For a long time, the superhero movie genre was seen as overdone. It felt like no one cared about comic book adaptations anymore, and many thought it was just because there was no fresh take. Even though the DCU and MCU are totally different franchises, one thing is clear – Avengers: Endgame set a new standard, making it even harder for any studio to take on a hero project. But it’s fair to say that even before that, the DC side of things was already losing its way with movies like Green Lantern, Suicide Squad, and Justice League. Zack Snyder played a big role during a certain phase, though some of his movies didn’t have the impact people expected, like Batman V Superman. So, with all this decline, how do we move forward?
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Changes were made quickly, but even with those changes, movies like Black Adam, Blue Beetle, and Shazam! Fury of the Gods didn’t hit the box office numbers they were hoping for. Since then, there’s been a shift. That’s when James Gunn teamed up with Peter Safran as co-presidents and co-CEOs of DC Studios in 2022 and Gunn introduced the start of a new phase for the DCU. Gods and Monsters would be the name of the first chapter, with projects like the highly anticipated Superman. But right now, it seems like there’s a lot of caution happening behind the scenes, almost like any promised or in-development projects are actually on hold until the Clark Kent movie drops in 2025.
Superman Is the Test Case of the New DCU

Superman is set to hit theaters in July 2025, becoming the official film to kick off the reboot of the DCU. Since Gunn’s announcement, many fans have turned to him with questions on social media, but one thing that’s very common in his responses is that almost everything is still in progress and without much detail. The co-CEO had already warned that no project would go into pre-production before a fully approved script, which already shows a much greater commitment to the new phase. However, the caution being taken seems to be too much, which, in the end, makes it look like all the new movies and series are being put on hold.
To give you an idea, Season 2 of Peacemaker is confirmed for the middle of next year. Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow is reportedly already in production, and the Lanterns series would also be in a similar phase, considering that Gunn himself has said both are expected to premiere around the same time. The Clayface movie has had its script approved this December, while The Authority, Swamp Thing, Waller, Booster Gold, and Paradise Lost are projects in development since 2023. The Teen Titans movie isn’t that far from that either. However, as if that wasn’t enough, fans have been shocked by recent news of delays, like The Brave and the Bold and even The Batman 2. Matt Reeves’ film is set in a separate universe, even though Gunn has already expressed interest in bringing Robert Pattinson to DC Studios. However, the change of plans at the very end of 2024 is surprising, especially considering it is due to the film reportedly not yet having a script.
[RELATED: Superman’s DCU Movie Debut Could Determine The Batman’s Fate]
While the new approach is said to be to take things slow and not announce everything all at once, is there not a possibility that everything is moving at a slow pace because of Superman? Gunn had already revealed that a lot would be at stake with the new movie, and that its success would be decisive for the future of the DCU. The film will bring something more inspired by the original material, which is a very good bet since a large part of the public prefers fidelity. Also, quality is paramount now, given that many productions in the superhero genre have lost this, failing to deliver solid and more engaging scripts. Creative and cohesive narrative has been lacking for a long time. Based on the teaser trailer and Gunn’s previous films, such as the much-loved Guardians of the Galaxy trilogy, Superman looks set to deliver a quality story. But it’s one thing to suppose, another to prove and Superman faltering could be the death knell for DC’s live-action world as we know it.
Is There a Real Chance That Superman Can Save the DCU?

Gunn himself had already shared his current view that superhero genre productions were showing exactly the same thing, which bothered him. The aim of the DCU is to be different and diverse, not to group all the films and series into one type, such as something more comedic, more adult, or more family-friendly. Superman would be the start of everything, laying a solid and optimistic foundation for the new cinematic universe. With a story more focused on human issues, goodness, and inspiring hope, this aligns with the vision of a more positive and accessible universe that the new DCU wants to present.
However, is there any chance of the new project succeeding? It’s worth remembering that test screenings are an opportunity to better understand viewer feedback. Some of them took place recently, and although the response was favorable, reportedly, the film was also considered “a mess” by Warner Bros. after a private screening. It was also recently announced that the movie would go through additional filming. Overall, though, Superman still seems poised to have everything it takes to surprise and take the genre to the next level. The teaser trailer broke records, most fans’ reviews were extremely positive, and even though it’s not exactly the whole movie yet, most people seem to have gained more confidence in Gunn’s command now.
At the end of the day, the chances are good for the DCU to make a comeback stronger than before. What seems like a kind of hiatus for the other projects could actually be a smart strategy, even though it’s tough for the fans. In the end, it might be totally worth it. We’ll just have to wait and see just how high Superman flies.