
The Walking Dead: Even Laurie Holden Wishes Andrea Was More Like the Comics

Spoilers ahead for tonight’s season finale episode of AMC’s The Walking Dead.The first of the […]
The Walking Dead The Governor and Andrea kiss
The Walking Dead

The first of the post-finale interviews from the cast and crew of AMC’s The Walking Dead are starting to hit the Web tonight, and after a year during which the fans had a love-hate relationship with Laurie Holden’s Andrea, the X-Files veteran told TV Line that she would have liked to see her character be a bit more like her comic book analogue.That’s interesting, of course, because the comic book Andrea is beloved by the fans, while her television counterpart has been so different from that character that it’s been the cause of a lot of the fan consternation over her actions.Asked whether she would have liked to have seen some more flashbacks to her relationship with Michonne during the time between seasons two and three, the actress confessed, “It’s not up to me, you know? I’m the actor. I do what I’m told. The writers are the ones in charge of the storylines. And they write the scenes. Woulda, shoulda, coulda. Do I wish we could’ve seen and explored more of the comic-book-Robert-Kirkman Andrea? Yes. Absolutely. Do I wish that I had more scenes with Michonne showing that friendship? Yes. Absolutely. But at the end of the day, I don’t think I could ask for a better death. I feel like her life mattered, and she died trying, and her heart was in the right place. I feel grateful for that. You can’t have it all.”And, yes, she teased that there’s always the possibility the writers could revisit all of that in some form.”Anything’s possible. Who knows what they have up their sleeve?” Holden said. “There may be scenes of Andrea and Michonne that the audience wanted to see. You may see more of renegade-Robert-Kirkman-badass-Andrea.”

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