
The Walking Dead Season 6 Premiere: Five Best Moments

How can we pick just five moments from the epic return of The Walking Dead and label them as the […]

How can we pick just five moments from the epic return of The Walking Dead and label them as the best five?

We’ll try. But be warned, spoilers follow if you haven’t yet watched The Walking Dead‘s season 6 episode 1: First Time Again.

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Carter’s Death


Carter’s death may not end up having an enormous impact on The Walking Dead going forward but it was one heck of a moment.

These types of moments, when you think a character is safe but then a walker jumps out of nowhere and make audiences jump out of their seats, devouring some face, are what made The Walking Dead so special in the first place.

Remember when the camp got devoured outside of Atlanta in season one while Rick trekked back with a bag of guns? That was completely out of nowhere and Carter’s death was quite reminiscent of that scene. Perhaps Alexandria is about to end up like the camp, too.

Rick and Jessie


The flashback sequence between Rick and Jessie was one of the most necessary and perfectly executed relationship dynamics displayed in First Time Again.

Rick killing Jessie’s husband is how season five ended, so to not mention it in the premiere would be a disgrace. Luckily for the audience, we got a peek at what’s going on between the two. Jessie is handling things quite maturely and Rick knows his boundaries.

“I would say watch out for what Alex Breckenridge is doing because you see a transformative performance from her which is extraordinary,” Andrew Lincoln told about the scene. “And I think that there are certain parts of each other and there’s obviously a physical attraction to each other. She’s hugely important to why he believes in Alexandria but dating in the apocalypse is kind of tough – especially when you kill the husband of the person you kind of like.”

Starting to sound like Shane, there, big guy.

Sasha and Abraham


Sasha and Abraham seem like the perfect pair. They’re both nuts.

Sasha is a more introverted type of crazy while Abraham seems to be enjoying the wild life the apocalypse has provided for him. Watching the two try to explore the depth of each other’s personalities, while joking about having chunks of Pete in Abraham’s ear, was the right dynamic First Time Again needed.

Carol Is Sly


It’s no secret Melissa McBride’s Carol Peletier is a fan-favorite character. Now, the reasons just keep piling on.

Since arriving at Alexandria, Carol has kept to herself and pretended to be a harmless housewife. We all know that to be false, especially after Terminus, but her cunning and sly abilities allowed her to help Rick’s master plan of moving the horde of zombies without having to pick-up a weapon.

During the town meeting in which Rick’s plan was laid out, Carol acted as if she was terrified of the plan, but ultimately voiced her agreement with Rick. The vote of confidence from a terrified housewife was a push in the right direction to enforce Rick’s plan.

I see you, Carol.

You Talkin’ To Me?


This moment falls under our best line category, as well, because Rick Grimes is just so epic.

After Carter tried to stir up a coup in Alexandria, Eugene overheard the blasphemous rally and almost became Carter’s first victim. Luckily, Officer Grimes was nearby with his partners Dixon and Jones. He embarrassed Carter and while pointing his gun at Carter asked, “You thought you were gonna take this community from me? Do you have any idea who you’re talking to?”

Enough said.