Last week’s penultimate episode of 2016 included a lot of setup, including the reveal of the name “The Court of Owls,” Barbara figuring out who killed Isabella, and some Court of Owls link to Mario (and a possible infection of Alice’s blood in him). Yeah, it was a big one. Now, time for the last episode of this calendar year. Let’s get started.
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The episode begins with a scientist who is evaluating Alice Tetch’s blood. he locks up his lab and heads to a bar – where Mario walks in and sets next to him. He tells him he’s getting married, and starts asking questions about the Alice Tetch blood – he’s scary as hell. Cut to Mario literally crushing the scientist’s head, and stealing his security badge, blood splattering on Mario’s face. Wow.
The Whisper Gang goes to Bruce and Alfred to tell them that a couple of their members, including Volk, are now dead, killed by the Talon, the Court of Owls’ assassin (first time they’ve officially used that name, Talon, too). Bruce’s resolve to take the next step is unwavering.
Bullock and Gordon are investigating the dead researcher, and Jim’s quickly connecting the dots, and heads to Gotham Biolab.
Barbara visits Ed Nygma at Penguin’s mansion, but not to get revenge. He still has NO clue that Penguin was the one who did the deed. “It’s always hardest to see what’s right under our noses,” she says, then cough-says “Penguin.” Nygma, who by the way is wearing a fully green suit, finally, isn’t buying it at first, until she riddles him “love,” and he gets it going – well, he actually refuses to believe it and asks what Babs’ motive is – she says “that’s for later” but you can read what it is in our interview with Erin Richards right here!
Team Whisper goes to recon a Court of Owls stronghold. They still don’t know what the object is that’s locked away behind a door the key can open. Selina is with them – she seems bothered, but says she’s just hungry. So standoffish.
Jim arrives at Biolab to find the researcher’s key has been used and isn’t logged out. When he walks into the lab to find another dead researcher Mario jumps him from behind and tosses him through a plate glass weekend. “I’m not gonna kill you yet,” he says. He wants to make Lee hate him first. Yeesh.
The investigation quickly leads Jim to Arkham, where he goes to visit Jervis Tetch. Jervis infected someone on purpose (Um, Mario, aren’t you paying attention?), which he all-but-admits to. Also, he’s wearing a hat made of newspapers which is excellent. Tetch won’t tell, but he does say the one that Jim loves is in trouble, and “from healer to killer is no easy trick.” Jim’s got it.
Selina is having second thoughts about crossing the Owls, and Bruce and Alfred probably should be, too.
Jim’s having a hard time convincing Bullock about Mario, and Mario somehow beats the blood test. Yipe.
Bruce and Alfred are prepping for the big Court of Owls incursion, and Alfred breaks the news that Selina’s gone. Talon is killing a few more guys, for funsies.
Penguin and Nygma have a chat, and Ed tries to resign. He says “Isabella’s death has altered things.” Oswald, of course, flips out. Nygma starts to act like he’s interested in Oswald, and finds out that Barbara was telling the truth about Penguin’s “love” for him. Nygma says “there’s been a misunderstanding, I was going to suggest we become business partners.” Well, he knows.
Jim goes to talk to Lee and finds Mario instead. He’s continuing to be creepy. Jim says the virus is stoking Mario’s jealousy and he’s reveling in it. Mario has Zsasz there to back him up, too. Uh-oh.
After the break, Jim tries to convince Zsasz to let him go. When his watch hits a certain point, he just… does. Weird.
Mayor Cobblepot is presenting an award at an event and Ed is daydreaming about literally stabbing him in the back. Trouble in paradise. Pengy tries to apologize, calling him the best friend he’s ever had. Ed hugs him and says, cryptically, “You’re my best friend as well, Oswald. Remember that.”
Jim runs to Lee and Mario’s wedding and tells Lee in front of her bridesmaids “you can’t marry him.” They talk about the problems and she doesn’t believe him (Mario told his version of things already). As a last ditch effort, he tells her he loves her, and never stopped, and finally reveals when he went to find her in the season premiere. This time he asks, not tells, her not to marry him. She says she’s leaving Gotham with mario after the wedding. “Damn you for telling me this now.” Jim gets beat up by a couple of Falcone goons while Leslie and Mario get married.
Mario grabs Leslie by the face – remarkably similarly to how he grabbed the dude whose head he crushed, and kisses the bride. Jim continues to take a literal beating to mirror his physical one.
Oh yeah, there’s a whole B story we forgot about isn’t there? Bruce and Alfred are still at the stakeout, but the Whisper Gang guy hasn’t showed – guess that’s who it was that got his throat slit earlier in the dark. Selina shows up and volunteers to walk the tightrope for that portion of their incursion. Bruce hilariously says “Just wondering, does this mean you are my girlfriend?” She tells him to shut up. Funniest moment of the series.
Lucius, running further tests on Mario’s blood, found that there’s a substance that suppresses the Alice blood – and his was “off the charts” for it. Bullock puts out an APB.
Meanwhile, Jim gets unceremoniously dumped on the street by the Falcone thugs.
Alfred takes out the front door guards at the Court facility while Bruce and Selina sneak in upstairs. Bruce has gadgets! Yay! They let Alfred in, and he begins clearing the house while they go to the room with the safe (and lasers – lots of lasers). Bruce gives her the key and sets up the tightrope. She kisses him and mounts up. This is intense. As Alfred tries to clear the house, Talon walks behind him. We’re in trouble. Selina continues to tightrope walk her way to the safe, with only Bruce’s raw strength holding her up. She turns the key and the vault opens revealing… a crystal Owl? Huh? They’re both baffled. Talon walks up behind Bruce and hits him – the alarms start going off. Bruce hits Talon with a flashbang grenade and the kids start to run. Talon and Alfred get into it, and Talon has the upper hand. Bruce interferes. Selina gets involved, too, and someone comes in and smashes the talon over the head with a vase. Alfred stabs him in the neck killing him. Their mystery benefactor? Selina’s mom. All four leave, more than a little shaken up.
They found proof Mario killed people – but he and Lee are in the wind. Crap.
Nygma shows up at Sirens and says, “I don’t want to kill him, I want to destroy him. I want to take away everything he loves.” Babs pulls Tabs and Butch back, and tells Ed that she wants to be the new leader of the underworld, with “Your brains, their brawn, my… me.” He agrees, if they destroy Penguin first. Badass Barbara is the freaking BEST. Nygma apologizes to Tabitha (it doesn’t go great) and it looks like they’re in business.
Mario and Lee are off at some lakehouse. It’s his father’s. Mario asks what the conversation between she and Jim was. She says she told him they’re leaving Gotham and she’ll never see him again. “Part of me will always care for him, but I married you. I love you.” He grabs her by the face again. This is… not looking good.
Jim goes to confront Carmine Falcone and tells him definitively about the virus. The Court of Owls was trying to kill Mario to prevent an outbreak – very interesting. Carmine said he wants to send his men to bring Mario in. Jim shoots both Carmine’s men and says he’s going.
At the lakehouse, Mario is full-on-infected mode. He’s hearing “She loves him, she loves him” on repeat and grabs a knife – he’s about to stab Lee, when Jim gets there and shoots him twice square in the chest. He drops the knife, she looks at Mario, looks at Jim and…
That’s it! We’re done until January. Well… Mario is out of the picture, Selina’s mom is back (and seems to not only be a bit of a badass but might know some stuff), and she, Bruce, and Alfred have the crystal Owl that the Court of Owls was so scared of losing. We’ll see you in January, Gothamites!