Kotobukiya introduced the New 52 version of DC Comic’s lovable ball of crazy to their bishoujo line earlier this year, but for fans attending New York Comic-Con, you’ll have the opportunity to pick up an exclusive variant.
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The original version sported a purple and red color scheme, but for the variant, it’s all about the classic red and black. Just like the original, the New York Comic-Con exclusive Harley Quinn is sculpted by M.I.C. and is based on original character illustrations from the renowned Shunya Yamashita. Harley stands at 9 inches tall and is shown holding the fan favorite “bang” flag pistol as opposed to her mallet.
If you happen to own the original statue, you can actually swap accessories between the two, and if you don’t remember the original, you can view more photos of her here.
You can pick up the statues at the show, and pre-orders will open up for Harley on September 13th at 10 am. You can view more photos of Ms. Quinn in the gallery, including a side by side comparison of the two versions.