James Gunn Breaks Silence On Reports About Major DC Universe Movie Plans

James Gunn is breaking his silence on a recent report that claimed to have insights into current plans for Warner Bros.' DC Universe franchise. In a new Twitter post, Gunn stated unequivocally that, "So. As for the story yesterday in The Hollywood Reporter, some of it is true, some of it is half-true, some of it is not true, & some of it we haven't decided yet whether it's true or not."

Gunn is of course referring to the barrage of bombshell in a THR report that broke yesterday. That report included the news that Wonder Woman 3 isn't happening; Man of Steel 2 and Black Adam 2 are looking dubious; or that Jason Momoa could swap his Aquaman role for DC's Lobo. 

With James Gunn taking the DC Studios head job, fans expected the Guardians of the Galaxy filmmaker to make fan-wish dreams come true.  So, news that some of the biggest fan-favorite characters and/or franchises in the DC Universe could be ending is certainly a suprising start to the Gunn era... 

Now as you can see above, Gunn does indeed confirm that at least some of what THR reported is true. Wonder Woman 3 being canceled was something fans suspected before the story broke, as franchise star Gal Gadot seemed to tease the bad news in a social media post that basically said farewell to the character: 

"I've been so grateful for the opportunity to play such an incredible, iconic character and more than anything I'm grateful for YOU. The fans," Gadot wrote. "The most amazing, warm, loving fans in the world. I'm still pinching myself to see if I will wake up. Can't wait to share her next chapter with you."

However, other pieces of the puzzle – namely the fates of Black Adam (Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson) and Superman (Henry Cavill). There's a lot of back-and-forth about just how much of a financial flop Black Adam is (or not), after earning just $384.8 million worldwide on a budget of $200 million. DC/WB and The Rock have been putting very careful spins on any box office apprasial of the film, seeming to inicate there is still a valuable future for the brand. Rock also got Cavilll's Super back into the franchise, and got fans all over the world excited for the possibility Man of Steel 2 finally happening. That's all to say: those gray areas seem most likely the kind of matters that Gunn may be referring to as matters undecided yet. 

Finally, Gunn has previously indicated that reveal on plans for the DCU is indeed coming – at least to those involve with the studio. So that part may qualify as the "half-truth" Gunn referrs to, as the public announcement may be too far off. 

Stay tuned to ComicBook/DC for more!