James Gunn Knows The Suicide Squad Rating Already

Due to the novel coronavirus pandemic, many businesses have shut down, and Hollywood is no [...]

Due to the novel coronavirus pandemic, many businesses have shut down, and Hollywood is no exception. Many productions have been halted and movie releases have been delayed, and there's no telling how many more films will end up being pushed back. Thankfully, some big upcoming films were able to finish filming just in time, including The Suicide Squad. In fact, director James Gunn recently revealed that he's working on editing the film during his time in self-isolation. The director has also been answering fan questions on social media and recently revealed he knows the rating for The Suicide Squad.

"What rating will The Suicide Squad have? Do you have any idea yet?," @ljwr_ asked on Twitter. "Oh yes I know but I can't yet say. 😃," Gunn replied. While there's no way to know for sure, we're willing to bet Gunn's film will end up being Rated R considering the record of DC's other films to feature Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn. However, we probably won't know for sure for a while. You can check out Gunn's tweet below:

Gunn has been posting lots since folks started to self-isolate over the threat of the novel coronavirus. The director has done everything from recommending movies to watch during the quarantine to reminding people to be compassionate during these difficult times. He has also suggested replacing handshakes with the Ravager salute and is one of the many who is encouraging people to practice social distancing. Last week, Gunn warned folks about being careful of online purchases after he accidentally bought some tiny cans of beans.

Despite what the title for Gunn's new movie might imply, The Suicide Squad producer Peter Safran has made it a point to let fans know Gunn's take on the team is not a direct sequel to David Ayer's movie. "It's called The Suicide Squad," Safran said. "It's not Suicide Squad 2. It is not a sequel. I will leave that alone but, yes, it's called The Suicide Squad."

For those who are worried about the spread of the coronavirus, the CDC offers a litany of tips, including covering coughs and sneezes, avoiding large gatherings or close contact with people who are sick, and washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

The Suicide Squad is expected to hit theaters on August 6, 2021.