Jared Leto Reveals Why Joker's Gold Underwear Was Cut From Suicide Squad

Saddled with a PG13 rating, Suicide Squad has been able to reach entire audiences which would’ve [...]


Saddled with a PG13 rating, Suicide Squad has been able to reach entire audiences which would've otherwise missed out on the super-villain flick. For Warner Bros., the decision was likely a no-brainer, especially given Suicide Squad's staggering box office numbers. But, as for fans of the Joker, they were a little bit bummed to hear the news. After all, the Clown Prince of Crime was rumored to have some very R-rated scenes - and apparently one of those scenes found Jared Leto sporting gold underwear.

So far, the actor has said he shot enough footage as the Joker to supplement an entire solo film, one that would definitely need to be rated R. Fans have been eager to learn what those scenes might reveal, and Leto confirmed one cut scene left him in nothing but gold underwear. Speaking with E! News, Leto told an interviewer the scene was cut because of Suicide Squad's PG13 rating.

Of course, stripping down to one's underwear isn't enough to warrant a NSFW rating. Even Harley Quinn nearly bares her behind in Suicide Squad when she changes clothes in front of armed soldiers. But, according to Leto, his underwear scene was a little more...revealing.

"Ahh, there was a little bit more than that," he told E! News, referring to exactly why his scene was cut. Fans, obviously, are now more curious than ever to see the scene following Leto's remarks. Already, there are precocious fans petitioning the scene to be released, but they probably shouldn't hold their breath. If the Joker's deleted scenes ever do see the light of day, it'll likely be in a special edition of Suicide Squad sometimes in the distant future.

However, it seems as if Leto wouldn't mind if those scenes went public. The actor has openly said he feels as if Suicide Squad's PG13 held important elements back. "I always wished this film was rated R, and I had actually said that when we were starting," he told BBC Radio 1. "It felt like if a film was ever going to be rated R it should be the one about the villains."