'Legends of Tomorrow' Recap With Spoilers: "I, Ava"

'I, Ava' starts with Sara telling the team that she's leaving the group for a personal day, and [...]

legends of tomorrow i ava
(Photo: The CW)

"I, Ava" starts with Sara telling the team that she's leaving the group for a personal day, and she makes Amaya the interim captain of the ship.

Zari's playing video games while Mick's cooking different food with his new-found Fire Totem.

Amaya walks in and asks Mick if he's ready to start training, but she's suddenly called back to the bridge by Nate and Wally. They're looking at a new anomaly where Amaya's granddaughter Mari was seriously hurt, because she never received the Spirit Totem from Amaya.

Ray's chasing Sara around the ship trying to convince her to stay on the ship when Gary boards and tells the pair that Ava is missing.

Sara, Ray, and Gary go back to Ava's office and find her personnel files have been completely erased from the Time Bureau's system.

At the hospital where Mari is being held, Nate and Wally run into Kuasa, who reveals she's at the hospital to protect Mari, not hurt her.

Ava, Gary, and Ray go to Ava's parent's house to discuss their missing daughter. The Sharpe's reveal they haven't talked to Ava in months. After questioning, Sara realizes that Ava's parents aren't real. They admit they were hired by somebody years ago to pose as Ava's parents.

The trio leaves and returns to the Time Bureau, where they instantly run into Ava. Ava claims she was seeing her parents in Fresno, which the group knows is a lie. Sara's able to snatch Ava's watch in hopes of finding out more information about Ava's whereabouts.

Kuasa takes Nate and Wally to Mari's gym, and while there, Kuasa agrees to help the Legends track down the final totem and get it before the Darhks.

Back at the Time Bureau, they're doing more research and find files that declare the year 2213 a "No-Fly Zone," becoming suspicious that Ava is actually an anachronism herself. Gary, Sara, and Ray hijack the Time Bureau's Mothership and take it to 2213.

When they get there, they realize most of the occupants there look exactly like Ava. They find out that the Ava they know is a clone created by the Ava Corporation.

Nate and Wally are discussing their options with Kuasa. Kuasa tries to convince the pair of Legends to lure the Darhks to them, but Wally thinks he should travel to wherever they are and swipe the totem.

The trio in 2213 goes to the clone production facility, where they accidentally wake one. The clone realizes they've broken one of the regulations and starts attacking them before she's knocked unconscious by Sara.

Pretending to trade Nate as a bargaining chip for the Darhks, they travel to 2018 and give Kuasa their totem in exchange for Nate. Thinking the plan was to get the totem then escape, Nate is surprised to find out Kuasa double-crossed him and leaves by herself, leaving Nate tied up for the Darhks.

Sara, Ray, and Gary are approached in 2213 by the Ava they know, who apparently is completely unaware of the cloning operation going on.

In 2018, Nora threatens Nate's life if he is unable to get the rest of the totems from the Legends. Nora leaves her dad alone with Nate. Damien vents his frustrations to Nate about Mallus using his daughter to free himself from his dimensional prison, and the two start bonding.

The real Ava comes to and starts asking questions about where they're at.

Zari's attempting to train Mick on his usage of the totem, but the two begin fighting because of a difference of opinion.

Amaya's talking to Wally on the Waverider when the two are interrupted by Kuasa, who brings them the totem. Kuasa informs the pair that she traded Nate for the totem.

In 2213, Sara, Ray, Gary, and Ava are trying to escape when they're stopped by a whole squad of armored Ava's. Ava realizes that she's a clone and starts questioning whether she's real.

In 2018, Damien's fake torturing Nate, but Nora catches on and knocks her father out. Amaya and Wally rush to the scene, but Nora quickly takes Wally's speed away.

Ava poses as one of the other clones and convinces the army that she'll take the intruders — Sara, Nate, and Gary — outside and execute them. They've almost made it when the Ava that Sara knocked out earlier steps out and reveals that Ava is a fake.

The quartet starts fighting the army and is eventually able to knock them all out.

Amaya uses her totem to break free from Nora's magic while Kuasa returns and frees Nate. Nate and Wally, both with their powers back, team up with Amaya and Kuasa to try and take Nora out.

Nora uses her powers to rip the Water Totem from Kuasa's chest, effectively killing her.

Both teams return to the Waverider. Ray uses the memory-removing device on Gary so he doesn't remember anything that happened when they traveled to 2213.

Nate approaches Amaya about her granddaughter's death. Amaya hints that she no longer wants anything to do with Nate.

Zari's fast is now over, and she sets aside her differences with Mick to make him dinner, and the two bond.

Sara and Ava are sharing a drink, and the two connect the dots and find out that Rip is the one that wiped Ava's records from the Time Bureau records, and they promise to get to the bottom of it.

Amaya hops into a jumpship in an attempt to go back in time and save Kuasa.