Suicide Squad's The Joker Takes Over DC Comics Superhero Pages

If you haven't checked the date today, you might not have noticed: it's April First. For the [...]


If you haven't checked the date today, you might not have noticed: it's April First. For the prank-inclined, it's a holiday, April Fools Day, and DC Comics happens to have one such character. The Joker is having fun across social media today, taking over various DC Comics pages.

The first we spotted was David Ayer, director of Suicide Squad, and his personal twitter page. The page has been grafittied, and the hashtag #JokerWasHere, followed by the cartoonish grin, is there, too. Lots of "HAHAHAHA" all over, as well.

It's also on the Batman and Superman official facebook pages, amongst many others, setting up quite the little scavenger hunt for fans.

So go forth, check out twitter, instagram, and facebook, and see if you can find all the places the Joker has been!

BvS Giveaway Rules

Have you seen Dawn of Justice yet? If so, go rate it in the Movie Database for a chance to win your very own Armored Batman figure!

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is now playing in theaters.