The Batman Prequel Comic Reveals Key Moment From Riddler's Past

The Batman prequel comic The Riddler: Year One has revealed yet another key moment from the life of Edward Nashton, aka The Riddler (Paul Dano). That moment was the day that Edward got to meet one of Gotham City's most prominent figures: Thomas Wayne. 


The story of Riddler: Year One #2, opens with a warped look inside of Edward Nashton's mind, as he recalls the day he met Thomas Wayne (father of Bruce Wayne), as well as the conversation they had. 

Thomas Wayne recognized the intelligence in the young Edward, inquiring "What do you like in school, Edward?" 

Not surprisingly, Edward says "I like... riddles. And puzzles and numbers." 

"Riddles and puzzles and numbers! What if I told you that our Renewal program could help a smart young kid like you go to a special math and science school?" Thomas says. And when Edward shows genuine interest and enthusiasm, Thomas says "Here's a riddle for you Edward, what is always in front of you but cannot be seen?" 

Edward quickly guesses the answer ("The Future") and Thomas hits him with a line that will change the young boy's life forever: "That's right! And your future is bright, Edward. Because remember... you matter." 

(Photo: DC Comics)

This Riddler: Year One prequel comic continues to help flesh out the world of Matt Reeves' The Batman in some wonderful ways. Riddler's backstory was (by nature) a bit more restricted in how it got told, and how much it was allowed to resonate. This scene between Edward Nashton and Thomas Wayne only drives home the level of hope (and then disillusionment) that Edward feels when he inevitably uncovers how Thomas Wayne and others are corrupt and embezzling the Renewal project funds, and committed other dirty deeds like ordering hits on journalists to protect secrets. 

Clearly, as an orphan, Edward saw Thomas WAYNE as a golden figure representative of his own aspirations – only to learn that intellect and hard work don't build fortunes as corruption and lies do. It's a rotten seed that is easy to imagine growing into the grotesque monster that is "The Riddler" and his twisted mission to unravel Gotham's corrupt web. Riddler: Year One is definitely a scary and twisted vision of what the serial killer's world is like, but scenes like the one with Thomas Wayne do, admittedly, provide at least little, fleeting moments of sympathy for The Riddler. 

The Batman is streaming on HBO Max. The Batman 2 is still in development at DC Studios.