Wonder Woman's Gal Gadot Shows Her Support For Young Boy Facing Rare Disease

Wonder Woman's Gal Gadot continues to live up to that title with a recent post in support of [...]

Wonder Woman's Gal Gadot continues to live up to that title with a recent post in support of Bisous for Leo. If you aren't familiar, Bisous is the French word for kisses, and it refers to a campaign in support of a young 2-year-old boy named Leo. Leo was diagnosed with a genetic disorder called INAD, a rare neurodegenerative disease that is unfortunately described as Parkinson's mixed with Alzheimer's that affects kids. Unfortunately, there is no cure for the disease, but there is a way you can help Leo and his family.

Gadot released a video of her sending kisses Leo's way as part of the Bisous for Leo campaign. The campaign wants to spread awareness of INAD and help raise donations for more research, but it also wants to show Leo that people are pulling for him and that he's loved.

"These are my Bisous for Léo! I hope you'll send him yours too. Léo has an incredibly rare genetic disorder called INAD, often referred to as "Parkinson's mixed with Alzheimer's for kids." It's an absolutely horrific diagnosis as there are currently no treatments or cures. We're hoping to change that; every dollar helps and every kiss spreads awareness for INAD. Please post your own bisous and donate at BisousForLeo.org so we can help save his life and kiss INAD goodbye.#BisousForLéo 💋 @bisousforleo"

If you want to donate or learn more about INAD you can head right here, and we've included a snippet of what Leo and his family are going through from the official page below.

"Léo developed like a typical child well into his first year, but soon after, his parents, Deborah and Antoine, noticed a developmental regression. After much testing, the diagnosis was rendered. Eventually, he will lose all acquired skills including mental and cognitive abilities, as seen in Alzheimer's, and physical abilities, as seen in Parkinson's, resulting in his death likely before he's ten years old. While there are currently no known treatments or cures, we would like to change that, not only for Léo but for other children diagnosed with this devastating disease."

The funds raised will go to benefit the INADcure Foundation, which is funding scientific research for treatments and eventually a cure for INAD. Leo is about to participate in the first-ever clinical trial for INAD, which will use Retrotrope's RT001 drug. The hope is it will slow the progression of the disease and eventually help in the creation of a cure, and you can find out more on the official page.


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