The pinging system in League of Legends can be an excellent tool for many players to assist in coordinating big plays and pushing teammates towards objectives. For others, it can be an excellent tool for harassing teammates with a well-timed question mark over a dead champion to get the point across.
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Changes were recently made to the latter of the two methods by allowing players to mute their teammates’ pings, and with upcoming patches, the pinging system’s primary function is looking to be beefed up a bit by allowing players to use more meaningful pings with persisting plans to add in a warded ping.
“In an upcoming patch (7.15 maybe?) we have some additional work done on the ping system,” Riot Meddler said in a recent gameplay discussion. “As previously mentioned there’s a warded ping coming, we’ll also be making it so you can ping any item to chat, not just certain ones.”
If you’re wondering why there wasn’t the option to ping any item in your inventory from the get-go, it’s because the team was worried that being able to do so would bog down chat with meaningless pings about how many Longswords you had. Most of the items that could be pinged were either fully built power items or ones that had active cooldowns so that players could communicate when they were ready to make a move. There’s plenty of pointless things to spam already, and with the hopes that players can use the new version of the pinging system let their teammates know when they have smaller powerspike items or at least components to those items, players will soon be able to ping any item.
In addition to making more items pingable, there’s also plans to change the way that certain abilities are displayed in chat when they’re pinged. Abilities currently display their cooldown, but for some abilities, that’s not what teammates want to know.
“We’ll also be taking a look at allowing some skills to display their ammo in chat instead of their CD (e.g. GP Barrels or Corki rockets) since that’s the actually relevant part of the spell,” Meddler said. “Not sure yet if that’ll make this round of ping changes or not though.”