With Destiny 2 preparing for its launch on PC in the coming weeks, many console players are currently enjoying their version of the Bungie shooter. With the Iron Banner in full swing, many Guardians are going straight in to show off their PvP skills to gain tokens and earn special loot. But there’s a slight hiccup with the voice line work within Iron Banner, and more and more players are beginning to notice.
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Lord Saladin replaces Lord Shaxx for witty one liners and motivational pep talks, and some of them are downright hilarious. For the most part, it adds a more humorous spin on otherwise intense battles, but players have begun to swarm Reddit of reports that his voice lines are now bugged when responding to individual players and their class.
Oneย redditorย took to the forums to ask if anyone else was having this issue:
“I was playing on my warlock, and Saladin kept referring toย Cayde-6 and calling me cunning. Confusing, but okay.
Then I win a match, and he says, I quote, ‘Well fought Hunter, well fought.’
Further, I played on my wife’s hunter a little bit while she was out of town to get her some tokens (Gottaย support theย wifey), and Saladin kept talking aboutย Zavala.
Is this a known glitch? Or what?”
Instantly players from all over the world began to report their own issues, and naturally it spawned a class war pitting Warlocks vs. Hunters vs. Titans. Regardless of Guardians pitching their favourite picks and why, the common consensus is that the known glitch has become more and more noticeable after the previousย hotfix.
Players are notating that this is a glitch that happens with every class, not just the hunters. No word yet as to whether or notย Bungieย is aware of the issue. It wasn’t included inย this week’s known issue listย – but perhaps with the growing number of reports, it may be a target for investigation next week.
Destiny 2ย is available now forย Xboxย One and PlayStation 4, with a PC release slated for October 24th.