New Valkyria Chronicles 4 Trailer Features A Good Boy Doing His Best

Yes, of course the new trailer for Valkyria Chronicles 4 has more to show off than an adorable dog [...]

Yes, of course the new trailer for Valkyria Chronicles 4 has more to show off than an adorable dog in a beret, but let's be real about why we're all immediately clicking on it. It is officially the Year of the Dog, and while the entire point of this trailer is to introduce players to the various members of the Federation Army, we can't help but pause and gush over the adorable Shiba Inu that serves within their ranks.

This dog happens to be named Ragnarok, so if you weren't already in love with him, that should have sealed the deal. Ragnarok is classified as a medic dog, and he works alongside Karen Stuart (the brunette who appears running along with him) who is described as a gentle medic soldier who was raised primarily around men.

Also in the trailer is Angelica Farnaby, a civilian girl who has fallen prey to amnesia, She apparently have a bright and selfless personality, which helps her gain favor among the members of the army. She is apparently brave enough to go up against an enemy Valkyrian, but the secrets she holds have yet to truly be revealed.

If you're wondering who that redhead is, she's named Minerva Victor, and our hero Claude is going to have to learn to work alongside this steadfast soldierand his crew, as the two of them hold the same rank of Squad Leader -- Minerva leads Squad F, while Claude leads Squad E.

Other characters featured in the trailer include Miles Abegg, Ronald Albee, and Dan Bentley.

Here's a little bit more about the game's opening details, from Weekly Famitsu back in December:

March 6, 1935…
Claude and Raz are resting on the Hafen tank in a flower field located inside the Federation's territory. While this scenery doesn't seem to have any connections to war at the first glance, Claude notices something strange with his animal instinct. Just then, an invading unit from the Empire appears. Claude has been preparing for a counter-attack, and he leads the Squad E, which is comprised of elite rangers, to face the enemy.

Eventually, they are able to repel the Empire army. But instead of celebrating the victory, Claude is saddened to see the flower field ruined by the battle. Claude's kindness is implored in this episode.

Operation Northern Cross begins
Claude and the Squad E return to the base after repelling the Empire army; what awaits them is an order to participate in Operation Northern Cross. 3 months after the war broke out, the Federation army, which had been losing battles against the Empire army in succession, is executing an all-or-nothing operation to raid the Empire's capital.

Claude and his squad participate in this operation –which is also joined by other squads including Minerva's Squad F– and move towards the Empire's territory. However, they can't help getting halted on an old castle that has been modified into a fortress by the Empire army.

Unexpected reinforcements come to rescue Squad E!
Claude and his squad think that their advancing speed is the key in this operation, which is why they are determined to assault the fortress without waiting for reinforcements. They also receive a report that the Empire had invaded their home country of Gallia, which adds to the reason for their hastened siege. However, the fortress' defenses are very sturdy, making it very difficult to attack.

At that time, their childhood friend Riley appears as reinforcement with the new weapon Grenade Cannon. While Riley is glad to meet Raz and the others, her facial expression changes when seeing Claude, and she greets him in a harsh way instead.

Valkyria Chronicles 4 is expected to release later this year for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC.