League of Legends Teases a New Champion

The next League of Legends champion has already been teased, an aggressive, aquatic support who [...]

The next League of Legends champion has already been teased, an aggressive, aquatic support who takes the fight to enemies in the bot lane.

Riot Games previewed the next champion in April's Champion Roadmap that discussed where champions like Akali and Aatrox currently stand in their update process. The Champion Roadmaps usually contain something about a new champion as well, and this month's was no different.

With a subheader that warned players to "Never Turn Your Back on the Sea" and the teaser image that's seen below, Riot Games gave a brief look at what its plans are for the game's next champion.

"Let's reset a bit and wade right into the next champion we're adding to the list," Riot Reav3 said in the Champion Roadmap for this month. "We felt it was time to execute on a new support with a darker, deeper thematic than most of our support cast. We also wanted to create an aggressive playmaker, someone who doesn't just save a drowning ally, but who forces their enemies to drown themselves… by their own hands."

League of Legends New Champ
(Photo: Riot Games)

A new support may not be the champion that many players are looking for, but if you're a player who usually prefers to play some powerful champions with high kill potential, this new champ may be the gateway into the bottom lane that you're looking for. Instead of the typical support pattern of playing defense and protecting the AD carry, this new support looks to be able to do much more than that. Describing the support as an "aggressive playmaker," who can save allies and eliminate enemies, this looks like a support that'll be perfect for those who cycle between champs like Zyra and Brand as supports.

The darker champion theme is also something that players can look forward to if you think it's been a while since such a champ was made. With the most recent champion being Kai'Sa, a character who has a difficult backstory but isn't necessarily dark, the champ prior to her was Zoe, the exact opposite of this new champ's theme that's being teased.

Some of the wordage used in the teaser may also give an indicator of what to expect from the new support. Just as Zoe's teaser referenced sleep and bubbles, this support teaser features some key words that may hint at its abilities. "Let's reset" is an interesting way to start the teaser, and it may be implying that the champ will have a way to reset cooldowns through some means. It also warns players to "keep your health high" in closing, and with how many champions have abilities that do more damage based on missing health, it's not hard to imagine an aggressive support will have a similar power.

No timeframe for the champion's release was given.
