This Wedding Went Full "Gamer" When a Fighting Game Took Center Stage

Ah, marriage. A life-long commitment that begins on the day where two people come together in [...]

Ah, marriage. A life-long commitment that begins on the day where two people come together in front of a crowd to profess their love until the day they die. Weddings are supposed to be these magical days filled with love and promise, but this wedding? This wedding is even better when a fighting game becomes the main focus at the following reception.

The shots of fighter action came from the cosplayer 'KeNT" as he showed off some epic Melty Blood action. Apparently this wedding was for "an old fighting game diehard," according to the cosplayer, and you know what? That's pretty freaking awesome:

Hopefully no gaming peripherals were harmed in the midst of any potential rage quitting.

It's not a new idea for gamers to incorporate their favourite games into that special day. When I got married, it was my time to shine for all that Mass Effect love I have pent up inside. I had a Mass Effect wedding cake topper and a special old-school throwback for everyone else with 8-bit hearts from Legend of Zelda as party favors for guests. It's the little things, really.

Want to test those chops yourself in the fighting world of Melty Blood? Here's what you need to know about the apparently beloved title according to Wikipedia:

"The story of Melty Blood follows one year after Tsukihime and some days after Kagetsu Tohya. In the beginning of August 2001, Shiki Tohno hears of a new series of murders in Misaki Town, similar to the ones that took place in Tsukihime, in the last weeks of October 1999. Whilst searching for the murderer he meets Sion Eltnam Atlasia who initiates a fight with him, attempting to capture him. After the fight she reveals that her reason for trying to capture him is to get in contact with the "True Ancestor" (referring to Arcueid) so that she may acquire information on the "cure for vampirism". Shiki then decides to help her with this task."

Any gamer-related wedding stories of your own? Sound off in the comment section below!
