Batman: Arkham Origins Fan Discovers Incredible Detail 10 Years Later
10 years after its release, one Batman: Arkham Origins fan has discovered an easy-to-miss and incredible detail in the game involving its protagonist, Joker. Batman: Arkham Origins isn't often viewed in the same esteemed light as Batman: Arkham Asylum, Batman: Arkham City, or Batman: Arkham Knight, and this is partially because it wasn't made by Rocksteady Studios, the developer and creator of the series. Rather, it was developed by WB Games Montreal, the developer behind the recent Gotham Knights. That said, while the game had its shortcomings and was perhaps missing Rocksteady Studios' expertise, familiarity, and polish, there's no denying certain aspects of the game. For example, the game's cutscenes are meticulously detailed, or at least can be at times. Thus it should come as no surprise that some of these details are only now being noticed.
To this end, over on the Batman Arkham Reddit page, one fan of the 2013 game has pointed out that in the game there is a cutscene where Joker is spinning around in an office chair, and in this cutscene, when Joker pulls his arms in, his spin actually speeds up, just like it would in real life. This may seem like a small detail, and it is, but it would have required a considerable bit of extra work.
In Origins when joker pulls his arms in he actually speeds up, It's amazing how much work went into this game's cutscenes from BatmanArkham
Of course, it's possible others have noticed this detail before this Redditor. However, if fans on the Batman Arkham Reddit page have never noticed this detail -- nor the Reddit page dedicated to this stuff, Gaming Details -- then it's safe to assume the vast majority of more casual players of the game never noticed this detail, which is very easy to miss. That said, and as always, feel free to leave a comment or two letting us know what you think. Did you ever notice this detail?
Unfortunately, WB Games Montreal's new game, Gotham Knights, doesn't really share this same level of attention to detail. This isn't to say the game is detailed, but in the modern era, it's not exactly an exemplary example of a detailed game. And neither was Batman: Arkham Origins when it was released, but it at least had its moments.