Battlefield 2042 Leak Reveals Three New Specialists

A new Battlefield 2042 leak has revealed three new specialists that are presumably coming to the game in the future, though right now it's not 100 percent clear if this unreleased content as it could be scrapped content. The leak comes from a datamining effort of the game's files, and because these are files are new, there's reason to believe it's for new work that's being worked on currently, however, there's no way to confirm this. 

As for the leak itself, it comes the way of prominent Battlefield 2042 dataminer Temporyal, a very reliable source when it comes to Battlefield datamines. Taking to Twitter, the dataminer relayed word of three new specialists currently sitting in the files who aren't in the game: Hale, Liz, and Crawford.

Unfortunately, beyond the names, we don't have much on these three characters other than an in-game challenge associated with Halo that requires "RC Drone Assists."

As you would expect, this leak isn't sitting well with many fans for the simple reason that many fans don't like specialists and how they are currently implemented. Unfortunately, for these fans, a developer on the game recently shared why specialists are going nowhere.

Battlefield 2042 is available via PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S, and Xbox Series X. For more coverage on the first-person shooter and the latest Battlefield game -- including not just the latest rumors and leaks, but the latest official news -- click here.

"Battlefield 2042 has brought me to my breaking point with troublesome live-service multiplayer releases," reads the opening of our review game. "Over the past few years, there have been a plethora of multiplayer titles that seem to launch in a rough state with the promise of getting better over time. While some of those games have indeed become much improved in due time, this trend as a whole is one that I'm growing sick of. Battlefield 2042, the latest entry in the long-running shooter franchise, clearly wasn't ready to launch at the end of 2021 but publisher Electronic Arts felt for one reason or another that it needed to hit store shelves right at this moment. As such, the game's current quality absolutely leaves something to be desired. But even beyond these promises to improve, it's the core of Battlefield 2042 that is fundamentally just not good."