Destiny 2 Is Reportedly Coming to Google Stadia, Will Support Cross-Save

No games have been announced for Google’s new Stadia streaming service yet, at least not [...]

No games have been announced for Google's new Stadia streaming service yet, at least not officially. One of them might have already been revealed though with new information suggesting that Destiny 2 will be coming to Google Stadia, and it'll have a new feature by the time it does that'll allow players to transfer their saved data between multiple platforms. This means that if you've started Destiny 2 on another platform like the Xbox One and are interesting in seeing what Google Stadia has to offer, you'll reportedly be able to carry your progress over seamlessly.

Kotaku reported on Destiny 2's supposed inclusion in the Google Stadia service and cited five sources close to the matter. These developers and "plugged-in tipsters" as Kotaku called them said Destiny 2 would be a part of the streaming service, and sources familiar with Bungie's plans have suggested the cross-save feature will be revealed during Bungie's upcoming Destiny 2 stream. There's currently no word on whether PlayStation 4 will be one of the platforms that support the new feature, though Xbox One, PC, and Google Stadia will supposedly support it.

Word of the cross-save feature first appeared online when datamined images suggested that such a feature was coming. Similar datamines also appear to have revealed the next Destiny 2 expansion which is expected to be revealed during the upcoming stream, perhaps alongside the cross-save feature.

Assuming this information is correct, we'll likely know more about it all on Thursday. Google announced its first Stadia Connect not long ago which is scheduled to take place on June 6th at 9 a.m. PT. An hour after that, Bungie's livestream will start. We could very well see a Destiny 2 announcement during the Stadia Connect and then see that announcement referenced during Bungie's presentation where the studio confirms that cross-save will be supported, though it remains to be seen if PlayStation 4 players will benefit from this at all.

Google's Stadia Connect and Bungie's livestreams take place tomorrow, so tune in then to see what's in store for the future of the streaming service and Destiny 2.