
Doctor Strange Realized In Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 is already atop the wish lists of many, but what if it had Doctor Strange in […]

Cyberpunk 2077 is already atop the wish lists of many, but what if it had Doctor Strange in it?

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When you think of Cyberpunk 2077 you probably don’t think of Doctor Strange or vice versa. I mean, you may think of Broken Haiku or 2600 or Cyberella, but not Doctor Strange. But what if I told you one fan realized Doctor Strange in Cyberpunk 2077’s world, and the result is pretty awesome? You wouldn’t believe me, right? Well I got proof.

As you can see, the wizard, the legend by the name of Robert Crescenzio took Benedict Cumberbatch’s portrayal of the Sorcerer Supreme and gave him a makeover worthy of the world of Cyberpunk 2077. And while there is zero chance Doctor Strange would ever appear in the actual game — not even in some crazy alternate universe — we can at least appreciate what could be.

Look, all I’m trying to say is if you round some corner in a derelict neighborhood and THAT Doctor Strange is looking at you, you would probably either be super jazzed, because — hey — that’s Doctor Strange or collapse in fear. Actually, what I’m really trying to say is Crescenzio’s take on Sheriff Strange might be better than Marvel’s take. Maybe. I don’t know…you didn’t hear that from me.

So, what do you say CD Projekt Red? I know you don’t want a Ciri cameo, but what about a Doctor Strange cameo? Who do I have to pay, and how much do I have to pay them, to make that happen?

Think about it.

In other recent Doctor Strange news, the co-creator of the hero (and Spider-Man) Steve Ditko sadly past away earlier this week at the age of 90. For more on the tragic story and Doctor Strange, click here.

If it’s Cyberpunk 2077 news you’re after, then click this link right here. And be prepared to keep that link open for awhile, because it appears the new CD Projekt Red game — which is in development for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, and possibly next-gen systems — is still a far way off.