'Fallout 76' New Screenshots to Celebrate Xbox Beta Launch

Today is the day that Xbox One players will be able to take to those country roads in sunny West [...]

Today is the day that Xbox One players will be able to take to those country roads in sunny West Virginia and check out the new take Bethesda has on the Wasteland with Fallout 76. To celebrate the first round of the "Break" test, the studio has revealed stunning new screenshots to show off the varying aspects of the game.


We seen in the new shots the different areas players can explore, as well as some of the different enemy types that will be encountered as well. Since this map is confirmed to be four times the size of that experienced in Fallout 4, it's safe to say there is much more to be learned in the journey from the Vault!


We've gotten glimpses of how expansive the map is from previous gameplay, including our own, but this is some of the in-game action in all of its glory. We've talked about the fast travel that will be available in the game and the full map previously revealed shows off all of the various waypoints and district lines that players will use to traverse across those Country Roads.

In the screenshot above you can also see a terrifying winged-beast we dubbed the dragon, despite obvious differences. When we got to play with the team at Bethesda, the devs all called it the dragon as well, which kind of let us blend the two RPG franchises together - Fallout Skyrim, Skyout, Fallrim ... you get the picture.


As for the B.E.T.A itself, the (Break-It Early Test Application) begins today on Xbox One and the servers will be online from 7:00 p.m. EDT (4:00 p.m. PDT) to 11:00 p.m. EDT (8:00 p.m. PDT). According to Bethesda, "one of our primary goals is to stress test and break the game. As such, the servers will not be running 24/7; instead, they'll be online during targeted timeframes so we can get as many people as possible playing at the same time. Why? Because that's the best way to put all our systems to the test and see how they respond."


We've got tons of Fallout 76 coverage pouring in! To stay up to date on the latest news, check out our full community hub right here to stay in the know 24/7! As for the game itself, the next entry into the Fallout series debuts on November 14th on Xbox One, PS4, and PC.