Changes to League of Legends’ XP gains and gold-earning mechanics might be coming with the upcoming preseason period.
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While the massive Runes Reforged overhaul is set to dominate most of the preseason news, it won’t be the only changes coming by any means. Riot Meddler recently spoke about the possibility of changing the way that junglers earn their XP as well as how supports and other roles earn their gold.
“The big focus of pre-season gameplay wise will be runes, and changes like balance adjustments to champs and items to compensate for the impact runes has,” Meddler said about the potential changes. “Pre-seasons and mid-seasons are also the best times to do various systemic changes that can be pretty disruptive at other times of the year however. We’ll therefore be looking at gold and XP acquisition, some examples of possible directions.”
But instead of simply poking around to make changes for the sake of changing thing, they’ll first be looking at which areas definitely need altering. Getting the Runes Reforged system is still the priority, so other areas will likely take a back seat to the bigger changes.
For the XP gains, the jungle role is being looked at specifically, particularly when it comes to farming the Raptors camp. Starting Raptors has become pretty common in the jungle to allow champions to quickly gain XP, typically with the help of their mid or top laner as opposed to their bot lane. “XP reliability” is also another area that Meddler mentioned will be investigated, the Rioter posing the question of “how big a difference between a successful and an unsuccessful game should there be/is there?” to frame the question.
The potential gold changes are actually related to the Runes Reforged system as well but are more tied to what’s being lost with the removal of the current runes and masteries.
“Gold – Degree of gold that comes from inherent GP10, impact on support income from Bandit removal, degree to which gaining map control and then just farming lanes and both sides of the jungle may be over rewarding non-risk taking play,” Meddler said regarding the potential gold changes.
The possible changes are pretty tentative at this time considering how much is set to change during preseason, but expect to hear more news about gold and XP gains soon.