League of Legends Designer Leaves Riot Games

Watch Dev Livestream: First Look at Runes Reforged from LeagueOfLegends on www.twitch.tvLeague of [...]

Watch Dev Livestream: First Look at Runes Reforged from LeagueOfLegends on www.twitch.tv

League of Legends designer Jordan "Riot Wrekz" Anton has announced that he's left Riot Games.

The now former Riot Games employee shared the news on Twitter that he's now parted ways with the company. Calling the day of his announcement "extremely tough," Anton said that he would be sharing his future plans with his followers shortly and called the changes "an exciting opportunity."

While some League of Legends players may not know the champion designer by name if you don't peruse the game's subreddit or boards very often, you'll at least know the work that he's responsible for in-game. Just as Anton's Twitter profile photo suggests, he was the designer who helmed the creation of Braum, the mustached, shield-toting, optimistic support. Braum was the first of Anton's two champions that he designed, the second of which was Kindred.

But even if you didn't now his Riot name before and don't play as either of the champions that he created, there's no avoiding using the Runes Reforged system that he and others designed. Working with other Rioters to create the new rune system and the range of effects that the new runes have as well as how Runes Reforged all fits together, Anton was active within the online communities during months ago when the gameplay changes were first being revealed. He helped break down the Runes Reforged system for players on the official League of Legends NA site and responded to comments on the boards regarding the new runes. If you recall seeing the Runes Corner posts on the boards nearly a year ago that revealed new runes while they were still in their in-progress state, you probably read through his content more than once and saw his name there. The video at the top is one that players may have also seen several months ago where he, Andrei "Riot Meddler" van Roon, and David "Phreak" Turley discussed the new runes.

Anton was also working on two upcoming Visual and Gameplay Updates for champions, though it hasn't been said whether those are done or not or who will be taking them over if there's still more to be done.