Lego Worlds Update Adds New Sandbox Mode

With the unveiling of the first big patch since the release of Lego Worlds, the building block [...]

With the unveiling of the first big patch since the release of Lego Worlds, the building block game now has a sandbox mode where players can freely explore their building potential.

An element that seems like a must-have for any kind of building game, the sandbox mode that's been added to Lego Worlds is an addition that many players were hopeful for since the March release of the game. All of the game's many tools are free to use during this game mode, and players can test out their strategies and structures while they explore multiple worlds. Before even landing on the world and beginning the building process, players can set it up exactly how they want it by selecting what biomes will appear and how big the map will be. To accompany the update, the video shown above was released on Thursday as well to highlight some of the need-to-know elements of the sandbox mode.

While the sandbox mode is a welcome addition, the Title Update 1 also comes with several other features and some bugfixes aimed at smoothing out gameplay. Below is the list of changes that are included in the update:

  • Sandbox Mode - An immersive building experience where players can let their imaginations run wild with all of the game's tools, objects and bricks instantly available at their fingertips. This mode will skip the LEGO® Worlds' tutorial worlds, so new players will want to try Adventure Mode first in order to fully understand the tools -- and some of the rarest, harder to find creatures are locked until they're found in Adventure Mode.
  • New Models for the Brick Build Showcase Coming Soon - Players should keep an eye out for new models coming soon to the Brick Build Showcase. The brick built models will include new characters, creatures, vehicles, props and items from the Nexo Knight and City Emergency themes, with even more themes to follow.
  • Updated UI - The LEGO® Worlds updated user interface includes a new Front Menu and the removal of a few prompts from in-game.

Initially met with positive feedback due to the lighthearted nature of the game, there were a few snags that were hit along the way, such as a save-wiping bug. But the update shows that TT Games is taking consumer opinions into consideration, and future updates will hopefully reflect a similar trend.
