New League Of Legends Rune Uses Poros As Wards

League of Legends has revealed several new runes that’ll be included in the new Runes Reforged [...]

League of Legends
(Photo: Riot Games)

League of Legends has revealed several new runes that'll be included in the new Runes Reforged system, runes that both provide some extra vision around the map while also rewarding players for removing their enemies' vision.

All of the runes that were revealed are set to be options in the Domination rune path, a route that focuses on taking out your enemies and reaping the rewards. The first of the runes that was discussed during the recent runes post was more of a recap than a reveal, but it did come with a brief demonstration of what the rune would actually look like in-game. A rune called Zombie Ward, this rune grows a friendly ward in the place of an enemy ward after you destroy it. They're visible, so they can also be destroyed during their 180-second duration, but they don't count towards your overall ward limit.

Zombie Ward League of Legends

The next rune that was revealed moves Poros out of the Howling Abyss and onto Summoner's Rift with the Watchful Poro rune. This rune drops a friendly Poro in a brush when you step into it that'll watch over the area until you either move into a new bush or if an enemy scares it away. In the demonstration included, you'll notice that it doesn't look much like a Poro, but with all of these new runes, the designs, names, and stats are very much work-in-progress, so you can expect a real Poro when the rune goes live with Runes Reforged.

Watchful Poro

Rounding out the vision runes that were revealed is one that's more about taking wards for your own gain than it is about providing your team with vision. Another Adaptive rune that changes based on your ability power or attack damage, this rune will either grant 1 ability power or 0.7 attack damage for every ward that either you or a nearby ally kills. This may now seem like a lot, but for those heated ward battles that a control ward can create, this could lead to a slight edge in lane that just might help you press an advantage.

All of these runes fit into the Major slot of the domination path, so you'll be able to take the previously revealed Keystones in addition to one of these and two other minor runes if you choose the Domination path.

More runes are expected to be revealed as we approach the rollout of the new Runes Reforged system.