Nintendo Switch Turns 2 Years Old, Industry And Fans React

On this day two years ago, Nintendo released its newest gaming system: the Nintendo Switch. At [...]

nintendo switch birthday
(Photo: Nintendo)

On this day two years ago, Nintendo released its newest gaming system: the Nintendo Switch. At launch, the Switch was lauded for its innovative design that made it half handheld half home console, and of course for launching with what what turned out to be one of the best games this generation: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

As you would expect, social media and gaming forums have been buzzing with celebrations for the system, from fellow members of the development industry, to Nintendo's most hardcore fans.

Here's just a taste of it:

It's crazy to think the Nintendo Switch is two years old. It's a cliche thing to say, but I can remember frantically hunting down one during the initial stock shortages like it was just yesterday.

Anyway, as always, feel free to leave a comment letting us know what you think. What were you doing on the Switch's launch day two years ago?


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