There's a Very Easy Way to Farm Shinies in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet players are learning how easy it is to find Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Shiny Pokemon have become a lot more commonplace in recent Pokemon games. While Shiny Pokemon have a default appearance rate of about 1 in 4000, Pokemon Legends: Arceus made the hunt for Shiny Pokemon much easier thanks to increased odds in Mass Outbreaks and appearances in the Overworld map. Mass Outbreaks are back in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet and they come with significantly higher odds of finding a Shiny Pokemon. Once players catch or defeat 60 Pokemon in a Mass Outbreak (evident by a message commenting on the dwindling number of Pokemon appearing twice on screen), players will increase their odds to about 1 in 1350. With the Shiny Charm, that rate increases to 1 in 820. If they've consumed a sandwich that has "Shining Power," those odds further decrease to about 1 in 680 (without a Shiny Charm) or 1 in 512 with a Shiny Charm.

Once players reach that 60 Pokemon milestone, there is a way to quickly "re-roll" what Pokemon appear in the Mass Outbreak, allowing them to continuously farm the Mass Outbreak until a Shiny appears. Players simply need to set up a picnic and then quickly end it, which will cause all Pokemon in the area to re-spawn. Keep in mind that these aren't the same Pokemon that were in the region before the picnic, instead the game automatically creates new Pokemon. While making 5-6 Pokemon disappear and then re-appear might seem tedious, it's still much easier than previous methods of Shiny Hunting.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are available now on the Nintendo Switch.
