Hot on the heels of the news about game-changing testicular technology (no, really!) and the wildlife you’ll experience in the game, some new screens have emerged for Red Dead Redemption 2 that takes a closer look at the side activities you’ll be able to engage in.
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Like the original game, Red Dead 2 will be all about kicking back when you find time to, even if someone’s trying to shoot you down or make trouble for your gang. Forget that, you’ve got time to fish!
Rockstar Games has provided a number of new screens, which you can see below. They provide a little more variety in terms of the stuff you’ll be able to do, whether you’re down with fishing or just taking a ride with your horse. Let’s take a look at the activities!

First up, yes, you’ll be able to do some fishing. It’s unknown whether you need to use any bait or if you’ll just have to rely on good ol’ instinct, but this should give you a nice tender moment in-between gun battles. And who knows, you just might run across some heavy-hitters in certain areas.

Hunting once again makes a return, and you can use a trusty bow and arrow (and possibly other weapons) as you track down your prey. It’s a good alternative from taking on bounties all the time, and really lets you experience the lay of the land that you’d otherwise ride right past by.

Don’t forget you can get a good look around your camp if you find time. You’ll be able to play a few cards, try to catch up on rest, or, in this case, visit the local shopkeeper to see what items are available, and possibly do some trading.

Weather conditions won’t stand in the way of your hunt. In fact, sometimes snow can serve as an advantage, as you can track your prey’s footprints and see where they end up. But be prepared for anything — they might just strike back!

Sometimes it helps to just take in the scenery and maybe get a good idea of where your prey may be hiding next. And your horse doesn’t seem to mind taking a break — you can’t have it running at full speed all the time, mind you.

Finally, exploring is a good thing, but in some cases, the snow might just be a bit deeper than you expect. Be prepared to do a little digging when the situation calls for it. Fortunately, some stuff is well worth digging for in this game.
Red Dead Redemption 2 releases on October 26 for Xbox One and PlayStation 4.