The Dark Pictures Survey Asks Players to Help Shape Season 2

Supermassive Games' The Dark Pictures series capped off Season 1 with the release of The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil in Me, and now, the developer and Bandai Namco are looking ahead to Season 2. It's looking to players for help in that matter as well with a new survey shared this week to gauge players' interests in a number of topics regarding what works in the games, what doesn't, and what the community might like to see in future installments. Supermassive Games has not yet announced anything about when Season 2 will be ready, however, so there's no telling when, exactly, the feedback offered through this survey will be implemented.

The survey shared by the game's creators can be seen here for those who have an opinion on how Season 2 should go. For most of the start of the survey, it's a lot of the usual questions to establish your familiarity with the series. The survey creators want to know which of the Dark Pictures games you've played, what swayed you to buy them, what you liked and didn't like about them, and things of that nature.

Once you get a few pages into the questionnaire, it starts talking about Season 2. One of the questions asks what players would like to see more of in Season 2 with a total of three responses choosable. Those responses include things like more character deaths, more puzzles, longer playtimes, shorter playtimes, and other suggestions.

There's a question right before that asking howe interested you are in general when it comes to playing Season 2 games, but regardless of that interest, we know that Season 2 is already on the way. The first of those games has already been teased, in fact. It was hidden away at the end of The Devil in Me as per usual when it comes to the Dark Pictures games, and the teaser trailer for it suggested that the game will be called "The Dark Pictures: Directive 8020." It's set in space, the trailer showed, and seems to feature the tropey setup of people heading to rescue a stranded space shuttle only to find much more than they bargained for.

The Dark Pictures games overall have received middling review scores over time with most of them hovering around averages of 70ish. The most recent one, The Devil in Me, was a lower point than usual as far as our opinions are concerned, though it did add some innovations like inventory management and an increased level of mobility, so perhaps Supermassive is looking to continue expanding on those new features through input provided by things like this survey.