Fans Lobby Ticket to Ride to Move Duluth to Its Rightful Place on the Map

A petition wants Ticket to Ride to move a Minnesota city to its proper place on the [...]

A petition wants Ticket to Ride to move a Minnesota city to its proper place on the map. Ticket to Ride is a popular tabletop board game in which players compete to build train routes between different cities. The game has several different variants, but the most popular map comes with the original game and uses a map of the continental United States. While the map is mostly accurate, there is one glaring inaccuracy - the city of Duluth, Minnesota is located in the middle of Minnesota instead of on the coasts of Lake Superior. Duluth's placement in Ticket to Ride is approximately where St. Paul/Minneapolis is in real life, and it's been the subject of many jokes over the years, along with more than a few eyerolls from Minnesotans.

Now - a person is lobbying Days of Wonder to correct this egregious affront to Duluth. A new petition is demanding that the game publisher move Duluth to its correct location in future printings of Ticket to Ride. The petition, which launched yesterday, has already attracted nearly 150 signees who want to see their track-laying board games feature accurate topographical features.

Duluth was likely included in Ticket to Ride because of the city's significance to the railroad industry. In the 1800s, Duluth became the first port city with access to both the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans due to the construction of various railways. At one point, Duluth was the busiest port in the United States, eclipsing even New York due to its proximity to various iron mines and its advantageous location. Ticket to Ride has even acknowledged the incorrect placement of Duluth in previous editions of the game. The 10th Anniversary Edition of Ticket to Ride included a small sign noting Duluth's correct location on the board. The placement has likely never been corrected as it would upend the game's carefully balanced design by lengthening or shortening some track lengths.

You can view the Ticket to Ride petition here.
