Area 51 Raid Cancelled

The raid of Area 51 which was calling for millions of civilians to raid the secret compound in [...]

The raid of Area 51 which was calling for millions of civilians to raid the secret compound in Nevadawhile Naruto Running as a means to "see them aliens" has officially been cancelled.

The event became known as "Alienstock." It invited everyone to raid the government-controlled Area 51 compound so that the world can finally know, once and for all, what is going on inside there. After millions of Facebook users signed up, the event transformed into a convention of sorts which was going to have food and music for people to enjoy outside of the actual Area 51. It was all scheduled for September 20 but has now been cancelled with a new event in a different location taking its place.

Matty Roberts started the whole thing as a joke on Facebook. After it snowballed into this massive event, it sounds like he was trying to avoid becoming responsible for the next Fyre Festival of sorts. "It's a fantastic relief," Roberts said in an interview with the Las Vegas Review-Journal. "I've had a lot of concerns leading up to Alienstock. Just to see all those come to a head 11 days before the event is kind of a relief."

A few months ago, Roberts had the idea to launch the raid page on social media as a joke. "I just thought it would be a funny idea for the meme page," Roberts told NPR after the event went viral, but this was before his name was known to the public. "And it just took off like wildfire. It's entirely satirical though, and most people seem to understand that."

Joke or not, the Air Force issued an official statement which discouraged anyone from trying to raid Area 51. After the plan launched, people started visiting Area 51 and only found themselves being kicked out of the area by heavily armed guards who were not entertained by their presence.

Now, the event will take place in Las Vegas. The official Alienstock event page reveals it will take place in the Downtown Las Vegas Events Center, which is better prepared for a massive number of guests unlike the previous destination of Rachel, Nevada.

Are you going to the Area 51 Raid in Las Vegas? Does that make any sense anymore? Share your thoughts in the comment section!