Ryan Reynolds Gets COVID-19 Vaccine With A Hilarious Caption

Fans are still waiting to see Ryan Reynolds suit up as Deadpool once more, this time as part of [...]

Fans are still waiting to see Ryan Reynolds suit up as Deadpool once more, this time as part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but while we have to wait a bit longer for that to become a reality, we can celebrate something else in regards to the fan-favorite actor. Reynolds' latest Instagram post revealed that he just got the vaccine, though, in typical Reynolds form, the photo came with a delightful caption. Reynolds can be seen receiving the shot in the photo, and he captioned it with "Finally got 5G." So, not only did he get the vaccine but evidently he is also primed for great cellular service.

It's a win-win really, and you can check out the photo and the post below.

Reynolds is always up for starting a conversation on social media, and a few weeks ago that's where he revealed a Green Lantern mixed drink recipe (using Aviation Gin of course) as well as the fact that he still has his Green Lantern ring from the 2011 movie.

While the film wasn't the box office smash Reynolds had hoped for, he still has fun with it, including a hilarious scene in Deadpool 2 where he kept himself from doing the movie in the first place. Thankfully Reynolds would then go on to become Deadpool, and the rest is history.

In a Q&A screening of the original Deadpool, Reynolds revealed an important lesson he took away from Green Lantern, and it all comes down to having a complete and thought-out script.

"You just go back to script, script, script," Reynolds said. "[On Green Lantern] we did not have a working script until we were halfway through shooting. That is a handicap, there's nothing you can do about that. And that's just the nature of this business oftentimes, it's a poster and release date first, start shooting and we'll figure out the rest as we go. And it's just, it's insane. It's hard for everyone. Everyone that worked on that movie gave their last drop of blood."

"When we shot Green Lantern, nobody auditioning for the role of Green Lantern was given the opportunity to read the script, because the script didn't exist," Reynolds said. "I'm not complaining about it — it was an opportunity of a lifetime, and if I were to go back and retrace my steps, I would probably do everything the exact same way. But script, that's what's different on this one."

Hopefully, we'll see Reynolds return to the Deadpool world soon, and let us know what you want to see from the sequel in the comments!