Ever Given: Suez Canal Ship Freed After 5 Days

The Suez Canal is finally unblocked after salvage crews managed to dislodge the Ever Given cargo [...]

The Suez Canal is finally unblocked after salvage crews managed to dislodge the Ever Given cargo ship that had been causing all this commotion. Earlier this week, reports surfaced that the vessel was stuck in the middle of the canal and preventing numerous watercraft from doing their normal jobs. Well, Bloomberg reports that the situation has been resolved. The Internet suddenly took an interest in the situation and marveled at how one ship could bring basically 12% of world trade to a screeching halt. For five days, the world watched as crews dug out sand and tried everything in the book to get that boat back on the right track. There were approximately 450 ships in due waiting for a resolution and now they will begin the long process of crossing the canal again.

When speaking to Bloomberg, Animals International explained that around 200,000 animals could be stranded in those ships waiting for their turn to cross. And European Union director Gabriel Paun said that most of them are likely carrying sheep. Their final count was 18 different crafts are waiting their turn and they hail from places like Romania, Spain, and South America.

The EU director said, "It's just another incident which shows that no matter which contingency plan you design, tragedies may occur over and over as long as we don't replace the export of live animals with the export of refrigerated and frozen meat."

As it stands now, the Internet is in celebration for the ship being unstuck. The Ever Given was the basis for numerous memes over the last week. Most of the world's problems seems to be big and hard to articulate succinctly. But, everyone could understand that a big ship was blocking up the works in the Suez Canal.

Are you happy for the ship's captain and all the workers? Let us know down in the comments!