Artist Reimagines Hugh Jackman's Wolverine In Classic Costume

Hugh Jackman took a bow as Wolverine in this year's Logan, but if he was to make an MCU debut, it [...]

Hugh Jackman took a bow as Wolverine in this year's Logan, but if he was to make an MCU debut, it might look a lot like this.

Fox's X-Men have always favored keeping Logan out of a traditional costume, going with the more casual looks he's used in the comics. While many grew to accept this, there are a myriad of fans who would love to see him finally get a costume, and the Disney Fox deal could actually help make that happen. If he showed up on screen again, hopefully, it looks like this costume from George Evangelista.

Evangelista's take on the costume is based on the Astonishing X-Men style look, with the classic yellow and blue in a more muted hue. The design features a more modern take on the actual pattern and looks exceptional. If this was the costume that Jackman finally got to wear on screen, fans would have no reason to be upset.

(Photo: George Evangelista)

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With the Disney and Fox deal looking closer and closer by the hour, it seems an X-Men Avengers team-up could actually happen, and Jackman recently told Collider that it would be amazing to see those two unite onscreen.

"It's interesting because for the whole 17 years I kept thinking that would be so great, like I would love to see, particularly, Iron Man and the Hulk and Wolverine together. And every time I saw an Avengers movie I could just see Wolverine in the middle of all of them like punching them all on the head. But it was like, "Oh well, that's not gonna happen," and it was interesting just when I first saw that headline — it was just the possibility of it and who knows what's gonna happen, obviously — I was like, "Hang on!" But I think, unfortunately, the ship has sailed for me, but for someone else I would like to see Wolverine in there."

For now, though, fans will have to make do with some slick fan art, and you can find more on George Evangelista's Facebook page.