Avengers: Endgame Writers Regret These Characters Didn’t Get More Time Together

Avengers: Endgame is a huge movie with a very substantial three-hour runtime, but even with that [...]

Avengers: Endgame is a huge movie with a very substantial three-hour runtime, but even with that much time there were still moments that didn't get perhaps as much attention as fans would have liked. It's to be expected, as Endgame brought together 21 previous films and a lot of different character stories with a goal to close the book on the so-called Infinity Saga, but for all the ground Endgame does cover, fans aren't alone in wishing certain characters could have had more time together -- the film's writers have their regrets, too.

Warning: spoilers ahead for Avengers: Endgame. You've been warned.

While the heroes failed in their mission to prevent Thanos from destroying half of the life in the universe in Avengers: Infinity War, they manage to redeem things in Endgame by pulling off the complicated Time Heist, assembling their own Gauntlet, and carrying out their own snap that brings back all the vanished. Unfortunately, their success corresponds to 2014 Thanos' arrival and an epic battle to prevent him from getting the Stones yet again and this time "fixing" the universe in a far more brutal way so there's not really time for hugs and reunions. The focus is on the fight to save the universe.

For Endgame co-writer Stephen McFeely, there are a few characters he wishes could have had a bigger reunion in the film.

"Oh there's plenty of that, right?" McFeely told the Los Angeles Times when asked what two characters he wished could have had a scene together. "When everyone comes back, we had a little section in the big action battle set piece we called Team Ups and Reunions. So that was people from different franchises fighting alongside each other. And more importantly, people who hadn't seen each other in five years getting to hug and embrace."

And the battle scene does give fans some of those moments. Peter Parker (Tom Holland) and Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) briefly reunite, with Stark giving Peter a huge hug. The women of the MCU come together for an epic fight against Thanos as well, but when it comes to specific character pairings, McFeely has his own list of what he would have wanted.

"Steve and Bucky would've been good," he said. "Rocket and Groot could've had another moment. [Black] Panther and Okoye, even Hope and Scott Lang. Lang in many ways is the driving force of this story. He didn't get time to really have a moment with Hope."

Fortunately, though, fans will likely get to see some of those pairings spend more time with one another in future MCU projects. There are several projects in the pipeline, including Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.

Avengers: Endgame is in theaters now.

What characters do you wish would have had more time together in Endgame? Let us know in the comments below.


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