'Avengers: Infinity War's Chris Evans on "Dangerous" Captain America

Avengers: Infinity War finds Captain Americaon the run after the events of Captain America: Civil [...]

Avengers: Infinity War finds Captain Americaon the run after the events of Captain America: Civil War, and the usually straight-laced superhero is letting his hair down — so to speak — making for a more "dangerous" Steve Rogers.

"I don't think it's in his nature to be too much of a loose cannon, but there's a lack of formality," star Chris Evans tells USA Today of his new rugged Captain America. "He's checked all that at the door and he's gone inside himself for a little while, and as a result, he's a little irreverent and maybe even a little dangerous."

After the events of Civil War, Steve Rogers is a man without a country, a team, and a shield, the ensuing nomadic lifestyle resulting in a dirtied Captain America in need of a shave.

"He's such a monastic character and he has such a quotidian approach to his existence," Evans says.

"I imagine when he wakes up in the morning, there is a routine. Part of that is in his nature, part of that is just to keep his sanity, and that all kind of goes out the window a little bit after [Civil War]. You see a guy who doesn't stop caring but just puts down some of that obligation."

Rogers had a major falling out with Avengers team mate Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) the last time the two were together, the super soldier stepping up to protect his lifelong best friend Bucky (Sebastian Stan) from a vengeful Iron Man.

A brainwashed Bucky, operating under the control of terrorist group Hydra, murdered Stark's parents in cold blood — a heinous act Rogers kept from Tony — the betrayal causing a personal schism between the two not yet healed when Infinity War kicks off.

The star-spangled Avenger mailed Stark a phone meant to reassemble the team when called upon, but will Stark break out the ol' flip phone?

Evans isn't dishing, but "just know that is a clearly important aspect in both of our story lines," he says.

"In a lot of ways, Steve and Tony rely on each other: We're two sides of the same coin, fighting for the same thing just with very different approaches, but neither one of us are complete. In a way, we need the other person. Reconciliation is necessary but probably not easy to come by."

Avengers: Infinity War opens April 27.