'Avengers: Infinity War' Director Says There Will Be Endings And New Beginnings

Throughout the course of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, fans have grown accustomed to seeing [...]

Throughout the course of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, fans have grown accustomed to seeing adventures that rarely result in devastating losses, as the heroes typically prevail before the credits roll with each impressive blockbuster. Many audiences might be expecting similar conclusions with the upcoming Avengers: Infinity War, though co-director Joe Russo assures that some stories will end permanently in the new film.

"My brother and I are firm believers that nothing has value unless it has an ending at some point and I do believe that this has been a really, really interesting experiment in filmmaking, what Marvel's done over the last 10 years, is serialized storytelling through multiple franchises. That's never been done before," Russo shared with BBC's The Afternoon Show. "And it's important, I think, for this 'book,' if you want to call it that, that's been written over these 19 films, to have an ending. To have final chapters. Infinity War is the final chapter. There will be...I'll just say this, there will be surprises in the movie and I feel the audience should be prepared, going in, for surprises."

Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America have all had three solo films, in addition to appearing in all of the Avengers films, making these characters' presence feel vital to the MCU. However, characters like Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, and Black Panther have a long tenure with the franchise ahead of them, based on their debut film successes.

"Without question, of course," Russo confirmed of this movie establishing new heroes in the MCU. "There will be some endings and new beginnings. You look at the incredible success of Black Panther, and I think the universe will be very healthy moving forward, and it's time for some new characters to shine."

Hopefully fans are happy with the upcoming changes to the overall shape of the MCU moving forward, as the earlier films set the standards quite high for Phase Four and beyond.

Fans can see these final chapters and new beginnings for themselves when Avengers: Infinity War hits theaters on April 27th.

Black Panther is now playing in theaters. Other upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe films include Ant-Man and The Wasp on July 6th, Captain Marvel on March 8, 2019, and the fourth Avengers on May 3, 2019. The sequel to Spider-Man: Homecoming hits on July 5, 2019, and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 lands in 2020.

Are you scared about the final chapters or excited for the new beginnings? Let us know in the comments below!

[H/T The Afternoon Show]