Bullying Victims Turned Into Avengers In Inspiring Photoshoot

While the Avengers are standing up to Thanos in Infinity War, there's another group of Avengers [...]

While the Avengers are standing up to Thanos in Infinity War, there's another group of Avengers ready to take down bullies all over the world.

Photographer Josh Rossi and his wife Roxana produced the stunning Justice League Kids photoshoot, and they wanted to put together a project that featured the Avengers standing up to bullying. Together with VERO, the project was just in the concept phase until Rossi came across Jackson Bezzant, a young man born with facial deformities that have made him a frequent target of bullies (via FullTime Photographer).

Rossi watched a video created by his father and felt like he was talking directly to him. Thus the project started to take shape, as Rossi had found his Captain America and wanted to make the project happen now more than ever.

Jackson's story is one shared by many across the country, and soon Josh and Roxana were coming across other emotional stories from kids all dealing with bullying in a variety of ways.

"Going into this project, my wife Roxana and I didn't know the heart breaking details of each kid's story. We didn't know that 12 year old Jackson Sommers (Dr. Strange ) had 35% of his brain missing and that kids pushed him down and spit on him at school because he walked and talked differently than they did. We didn't know that Sydney Gerardis (Gamora) was secretly contemplating her suicide when her close friends told her they'd throw a party if she died. We definitely didn't know the cruel words that were said to Grant Southam (Ironman) when he would walk past kids at school every day and they would yell "the retard is here!" while beating their chests."

They decided to do their best to make these amazing kids into Avengers, creating an all-star team that can stand up to any Bully. The costumes were all created by Julie Whiteley, who spent 3 months full time trying to create the suits in time for the photoshoot. Once the costumes were done Versa Artistry provided the Body Makeup and Eve Keener was the project's Make Up Artist for a photo shoot that took around 3 days.

As you can see though, all that hard work was all worth it, as each child is truly brought to Marvel life in this amazing photoshoot, and you can find some of the photos in the video above. For the rest of the photos and each child's personal story make sure to check out the full post here.

Captain America: Jackson Bezzant

Iron Man: Grant Southam

Thor: Jaxon Bieber

Gamora: Sydney Gerardis

Vision: Cole Helton

Star-Lord: Joshua Walker

Scarlet Witch: Mia Velarde

Hulk: Braiden Ellerman

Doctor Strange: Jackson Sommers

Spider-Man: Benson Bateman

Maria Hill: Leila Puentes

Drax: Jaron Balico

Black Widow: Dorothy Gee

Black Panther: Morisi Elakano

Falcon: Benjamin Crofts

Hawkeye: Miles Fuqua

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