Captain America: Civil War Girls Reforming The Future Challenge Finalists Announced

Earlier this month Marvel launched their Girls Reforming The Future Challenge, which invited girls [...]


Earlier this month Marvel launched their Girls Reforming The Future Challenge, which invited girls all over the world to submit their ideas that would better humankind, all in a bid to win an internship at Marvel Studios, and meet a few titans of their respective fields.

After more than 1000 girls submitted their entries, we have the five finalists.

First up is Maia Dua, Grade 10. Maia developed a "seeing eye" robot as a cheaper alternative to a seeing eye dog. It's made out of easily accessible materials, bringing the cost down for those who can't afford the expense of a seeing eye dog, and is designed with an echolocating system.

After that, we have Margaret Fleck, Grade 11. Margaret designed a program called "the headphone stairs" that addresses the issue of hearing loss that people suffer from the constant use of headphones or earbuds. The program automatically reduces the volume over time, regulating how much your ears are exposed to loud sounds and stemming the occurrence of hearing loss.

Next up is Janie Kim, Grade 11. Janie created a combination of anti-microbial compounds that is highly effective against drug-resistant pathogens, which her decontamination system dispenses via an acoustic wave. This is far more effective than just hand sanitizer, and should help create healthier environments.

Next, we have Vivian Qiang, Age 17. Vivian built a hybrid solar thermal collector that could be used in lieu of space heaters and water heaters. The collector can operate on either water or air, and can be used year round, plus it would negate the use of climate-impacting resources that are used currently in the industry.

Rounding out the group is Holly Rieping, Grade 11. Holly designed a network of mobile computers with surveillance and education capabilities that run on renewable energy and are low cost. The system includes Bluetooth, WiFi, and is loaded with 64 GB of educational software (does that include Oregon Trail? I learned a lot from that game). This would be a great way to make sure low-income communities still have access to computers.

Now that they've made the finals, each finalist will get flown to Southern California to participate in a live webinar along with a tour of Walt Disney Studios. During that time, a grand prize winner will be selected to receive the Marvel Studios internship.

Congrats to all the young women for their excellent work!

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