Captain Marvel 2 Star Brie Larson Shares Tribute to Costars Teyonah Parris and Iman Vellani

The release of The Marvels is just under a year away, and Brie Larson is celebrating with her costars. In honor of International Women's Day on March 8th, Larson shared fanart of her character Carol Danvers alongside Monica Rambeau (Teyonah Parris) and Kamala Khan (Iman Vellani), the two other "Marvels" appearing in the Captain Marvel follow-up.

"Happy International Women's Day to my @marvel sisters, @TeyonahParris and Iman Vellani," Larson shared on both Twitter and Instagram. "You two inspire me more than you know and I'm honored to be saving lives alongside you."

Previously titled Captain Marvel 2, little is known about The Marvels other than the fact it'll take the leap from the 1990s and take place in the present day.

"I wish I could talk about it. I can talk about my feelings around it, " Larson recently told Uproxx of the Marvel Studios sequel. "I can say that I can't say enough about how incredible our director, Nia DaCosta, is and what an honor it was to work with her, what an immense talent she is, how much I just feel like she's the future."

"I could also say that, when I read the script for the first time, I couldn't believe what I was reading. I was like, this is bonkers," added Larson. "And it's the thing that I love about Marvel, is that they continue to reinvent. They continue to do the thing that you just would never think would be possible in these films. And they're not afraid to go there."

Elsewhere, DaCosta admitted it was a challenge to get the arcs of three A-list superheroes balanced just right.

"It's interesting, and something we thought about and worked through a lot, which was how do we get each of these really big, exciting heroes space in a two-hour film," The Marvels helmer Nia DaCosta previously explained of the film. "Captain Marvel has a history from the first film, Kamala will have her Ms. Marvel show, and Monica Rambeau, we've only seen her a little bit in WandaVision. A lot of what we've been thinking about is what part of the journey do we need to see for each of them? How do we honor the part of the story they're at in terms of the canon, while also within our story making them equal?"

Marvel Studios opens The Marvels in theaters on February 17, 2023.