Ryan Reynolds Release 'Deadpool 2' Spoiler Warning Mocking 'Avengers: Infinity War'

Remember the “Thanos Demands Your Silence” spoiler warning that the director of Avengers: [...]

Remember the "Thanos Demands Your Silence" spoiler warning that the director of Avengers: Infinity War put out just before the film's release? Well, Deadpool's got his own version.

Deadpool 2 star Ryan Reynolds tweeted out a photo of a typed message obviously designed to resemble the one released by Joe and Anthony Russo. Where the Russo's message had an Infinity Gauntlet in the photo, this one has Deadpool's gloved hand, plus what looks like a baby hand and some animal paws.

Here's what the message says:

"To the greatest fans in the whole universe.

We have embarked on the "Deadpool 2: This is King of Your Guys' Fault" World Tour. Almost everyone involved in the film has given Maximum Effort the past two years, maintaining the highest level of super secrets, like how David Blaine catches bullets in his mouth. And the secret blend of 11 herbs and spices in Colonel Sanders' delicious mustache.

Only a handful of people know the film's true plot. One of the is not Ryan Reynolds. We're asking that when you see Deadpool 2, you don't say a f***ing word about the fun $#!+ in the movie. Cause it'd be super lame to spoil the fact that Deadpool dies in this one. Kidding. Not kidding. Kidding?




Deadpool 2

Speaking of the Infinity Gauntlet, Deadpool 2 shares a major star with Avengers: Infinity War in Josh Brolin, who plays Thanos in Marvel Studios' latest Avengers movie. Brolin plays Cable in Deadpool 2 and he thinks it'd be fun for his two Marvel characters to meet.

"They could meet!" Brolin said. "I mean, they could...what do they call it? Cross-pollinate? They could cross hatch the two. They could put the two together. But there's no contest. I don't know [what they would say to each other], but I think it would be fun to play. What was the thing that Michael Keaton did? Multiplicity? Yeah, that or how about Adaptation? Same kind of deal. I would love to do something like that."

Brolin also contrasted the two characters.

"Look, I really like doing Cable, and it's practical," Brolin said during a recent interview. "But I think if I was to have a preference, it'd be Thanos, just because my expectation was pretty low, given that I just thought I was a prop. And it was quite the opposite, having seen enough of the movie and realized how cutting edge this technical process is, y'know? I was watching me. I was watching every twitch, every blink. I was watching my eyes. My actions. I was living through my intentions."

Deadpool 2 opens in theaters on May 18th.

Other upcoming X-Men movies include X-Men: Dark Phoenix on February 14, 2019, Gambit on June 7, 2019, and The New Mutants on August 2, 2019.