Fox Gives Two New Marvel Films Release Dates

Now that the Deadpool sequel has found its director, it's time for Fox to move forward with their [...]

Now that the Deadpool sequel has found its director, it's time for Fox to move forward with their upcoming slate of Marvel movies. Logan, the third film in The Wolverine trilogy will arrive in theaters this March, and their schedule had been wide-open from that point on.

It's clear that Deadpool 2 is happening, but a release date hadn't been officially announced. It was rumored that the film would be released in the early parts of 2018. Many have landed on a March release date.

Beyond the Deadpool sequel, the future of Fox's Marvel films has been completely up in the air. Many aren't even sure what properties they're working on developing.

It was announced on Wednesday that Fox has slated two Marvel films for release over the next couple of years, and that only adds to the speculation.

The first date comes on November 2, 2018. This could be a reasonable date for Deadpool 2, if it were to get pushed back after its directoral issues. If the movie keeps up the pace, there's no telling what could take that slot. It's too soon for the Deadpool/X-Force movie that is supposedly happening, as that will mark the third film in Deadpool's trilogy.

Another option here, that many fans may not be happy about, is Fantastic Four. The last film of the franchise was a box-office disaster, and the terrible numbers were only outdone by the critical lashing it received. The studio has been mixed on whether or not they will move forward with the sequel, but that cast is already in place. Of all the movies for this release date, this would require the least amount of casting.

The second date is on Valentine's Day, 2019. If Deadpool keeps is original date in early 2018 this would be a reasonable release date for X-Force. The only other option here would be another X-Men film. There have been rumors stating a reboot is in the works regarding the franchise, and 2019 gives the studio plenty of time to reset.

Valentine's Day seems like a great date for a Deadpool movie, so the odds would state that X-Force is a good guess.