Jean Grey and Magneto Face Off in New Dark Phoenix Clip

The X-Men will come face to face against their own allies when Dark Phoenix premieres in theaters, [...]

The X-Men will come face to face against their own allies when Dark Phoenix premieres in theaters, as the team of mutants argue over the fate of Jean Grey and her immense abilities that threaten to change the world forever. And while Magneto might be the champion for mutant rights in the franchise, it looks like Jean will push him to his limits.

In this brand new clip from Dark Phoenix, a group of soldiers arrive at Magneto's safe haven for mutants known as Genosha. During a tense exchange, Jean Grey shows up and uses her increased powers to intimidate the soldiers, causing Magneto to use his own magnetic abilities for diplomacy. The two square off, and you can watch the duel in the clip above!

This is the second time that the X-Men films have attempted to adapt this storyline for the big screen, and because of the poor reception to X-Men: The Last Stand, Jean Grey actress Sophie Turner acknowledges the pressure she's facing in this new film.

"I knew Simon [Kinberg, writer and director] was taking me out to lunch and he sits me down and tells me it's Dark Phoenix and I'm like 'f*****k,'" Turner said to Entertainment Weekly. "I know it's one of the most loved stories of the X-Men universe and for Simon to trust me enough with this responsibility is a big honor. And I want to do the fans of the original story justice, and of course, there's a lot of pressure especially having been done before. Simon would tell you that it was a B-plot of the movie and he felt it had to be the main plot of the movie."

But this seems to be the end of the line for this cast, as Marvel Studios will likely reboot the franchise under the banner of the MCU moving forward. Cyclops actor Tye Sheridan understands that possibility, though he's unsure what the future holds at this point.

"There weren't any talks with us," Sheridan recently told "I don't know if there've been an internal conversation. I don't know. I think this franchise has a lot of potential, it always has. I'd love to see it continue in some form, even if there spin-offs and characters do their own movies independently. I think it's definitely something that should be explored."

Dark Phoenix premieres in theaters on June 7th.