
Major X-Men Character Turns Villain In IvX #6

The final confrontation between the mutants of the X-Men and the Inhumans took place in IvX #6. […]

The final confrontation between the mutants of the X-Men and the Inhumans took place in IvX #6. While the terrigen crisis was finally resolved, the biggest turn happened after the final battle.

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Spoilers incoming for Inhumans vs X-Men #6, so if you haven’t read it you’ve been warned.

Upon Medusa learning that the terrigen seeping into the atmosphere would effectively kill all mutant kind, she used a new device that Moon Girl and Forge created to destroy the entire cloud. With the crisis at the center of the conflict settled, Emma Frost wants to push ahead, taking out the Inhumans permanently. When young Cyclops reveals the truth about Scott’s death (that it occurred before Black Bolt “killed” him), Emma pulls another trick from her bag, summoning reprogrammed sentinels that now only target Inhumans, not mutants.

As the groups join to take down the new enemy, Medusa faces off with Emma Frost, who even in diamond form might not survive Medusa’s wrath. Before Medusa can finish her Havok intervenes, and takes Frost off the battlefield. It isn’t shown where she ends up.

Medusa’s narration indicates that Frost has gone underground, though, adopting a look that seems to be a blend of Cyclops and Magneto. Medusa says “Emma Frost has…gone to ground. I’m not surprised. The X-Men want her as badly as we do. Not many safe havens out there for The White Queen. I suspect she’ll give herself away eventually, though. From what I’ve seen…she has a hard time letting things go.”

This pulls to a shot that shows Frost in a black and red dominatrix style costume with red spikes on the gauntlets and legs. She also has a regal style cape, and her helmet is Magneto style with a big red x across it after her lost love Cyclops. What she does from here in unknown, but this new version of the character may not be a complete villain, but merely a crazed one looking to carry out Cyclops’ mission.

You can view the spoiler images in the gallery.

Inhumans Vs X-Men is written by Jeff Lemire and Charles Soule with art by Leinil Francis Yu. You can find the description below.

The war between the Inhumans and the X-Men takes a dark turn leaving Inhumans hopelessly outmatched. Emma Frost, the White Queen, faces off against Medusa, queen of the Inhumans, as both fight for the future of their people. It all ends here!

Inhumans Vs X-Men #6 is in stores today.

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