Ruth Wilson Reveals Why She Turned Down a Marvel Role

Over the years, plenty of actors and actresses have brought Marvel characters to life on the big [...]

Over the years, plenty of actors and actresses have brought Marvel characters to life on the big screen. And apparently, Luther star Ruth Wilson was almost among that list.

In a recent interview with Time Out magazine (via The List), Wilson revealed that she was briefly offered a role in a Marvel film. While she never was told what the project was, she ended up turning down the part for a very specific set of reasons.

"I did have an interview for a Marvel thing ages ago." Wilson revealed. "They wouldn't say what the part was, so I made a questionnaire for the two directors. 'Is she a baddie?' They said she was a bit of both. 'Does she wear leather or latex?' They said no. I was like, [buzzer sound] 'EER-EEER! I said, 'How many days filming is it?' They said 14. I said, '14? That's not very long … EER-EEER!' So I said no."

While Wilson ultimately didn't take the role, her comments do provide some hints at what part she was possibly offered. In particular, the mention of two directors narrows the choices down to a small number of Marvel films over the years. One possibility is that she is referencing Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor, who co-directed Sony's Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance.

But the more prominent guess could be Joe and Anthony Russo, who got into the Marvel Cinematic Universe with Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and have since directed Captain America: Civil War and Avengers: Infinity War. The fact that this meeting happened "ages ago" seems to hint at it being tied to Winter Soldier, and the description of the role being morally ambiguous, not wearing a superhero suit, and in a supporting role makes it sound a lot like Sharon Carter/Agent 13 (Emily VanCamp).

In a way, it isn't too hard to picture Wilson in the role, especially considering the resemblance she shares to Hayley Atwell's portrayal of Peggy Carter. And mumblings about Wilson being in the MCU have come about for a while now, with the actress being on one of the early rumored shortlists for the role of Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel, which eventually went to Brie Larson.

So while Wilson turned down her first chance to enter the MCU, she's said that she's willing to give it a try, in the right sort of circumstances.

"If you want to be in a Marvel movie, you've got to be a baddie or a superhero." Wilson argued. "Just being the girl on the side is boring. I'd be up for being a baddie."

What do you think of Ruth Wilson possibly being offered the role of Sharon Carter? Is there a Marvel character you would like to see the actress play? Sound off in the comments below.