Stan Lee's Lucky Man Superhero Drama Comes To The U.S.

Most Americans probably associate Stan Lee with his influence in the world of comics - [...]

Most Americans probably associate Stan Lee with his influence in the world of comics - particularly his creation of core Marvel universe characters such as Spider-Man and The Fantastic Four. But soon, a completely different project associated with the 94-year-old legend will be available for American Audiences.

The first season of Stan Lee's Lucky Man, a British crime drama co-created by Lee, will be available in the United States and Canada through iTunes.

In line with Lee's more well-known body of work, Lucky Man follows a London police officer and gambling addict who gains the power of luck after receiving an ancient bracelet from a mysterious woman.

Lucky Man's cast includes James Nesbitt, Eve Best, and Sienna Guillory. The series premiered across the pond in January of 2016, and its second season is set to air later this year on the British channel Sky 1.

In a statement, Lee expressed his excitement at the series reaching new audiences. "Luck has always been a fascinating subject to me, and I am thrilled to finally share that fascination and the story of Harry Clayton with audiences in the US and Canada. I feel like the luckiest man in the world. Excelsior!"

Richard Fell, one of the show's executive producers, echoed this sentiment, pointing out that Lucky Man might provide a different interpretation of the superhero story than is usually seen on television.

"Lucky Man is a different kind of crime show — Stan has come up with an absolutely brilliant idea; a superhero we can all relate to. 'What if you could control luck?' Would that be the greatest thing you could give someone, or their worst nightmare? It's a twist which brings the whole superhero genre right back down to earth, which we hope will appeal to the Lucky Man audience."

The series is produced by Carnival Films, as well as Lee's production company, POW! Entertainment.

The entire first season of Lucky Man is now available on iTunes for $19.99.

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