Thor's Hammer Just Destroyed Iron Man's Armor With One Hit

It's not uncommon to see Avengers come to blows, but a misunderstanding/altercation between Thor and Iron Man left the Armored Avenger down for the count after one hit from the Mjolnir, the God of Thunder's enchanted hammer. Marvel has assembled Earth's Mightiest Heroes to defend the globe from mystical threats in the aftermath of Death of Doctor Strange, an event series that so far is living to its billing by killing the Sorcerer Supreme in its first issue. A special tie-in issue features the Avengers fighting an invasion from another dimension, and Thor knocking Iron Man clean out of his armor.

WARNING: The following article contains spoilers for Death of Doctor Strange: Avengers #1. Proceed at your own risk. The Avengers are still licking their wounds when Death of Doctor Strange: Avengers #1 by writer Alex Paknadel, artist Ryan Bodenheim, colorist Rachelle Rosenberg, and letterer VC's Cory Petit begins. With the mystical realm in chaos following the good Doctor's demise, a group of villains head to the Everglades to try and detonate the Nexus of all realities. This is usually safeguarded by the Man-Thing, but he's missing-in-action at the moment. Before the bomb can go off, an army of Juggernaut-like figures emerge, creating a mourningspyre in New York.

Iron Man investigates the Nexus while Thor, Captain America and Captain Marvel battle the Juggernauts. He lands in the Crimson Cosmos, where the original Juggernaut gets his powers from Cyttorak. A child from the dimension gives Iron Man a crash course in their history, where he learns they're not the bad guys. He races back to New York to stop his fellow Avengers, throwing himself in the way of Thor's attack on the mourningspyre, which is where he goes down after one hit from Mjolnir.

(Photo: Marvel Comics)

Luckily for Tony Stark, his Iron Man armor held up long enough to keep him from being killed by Thor's hammer. Iron Man jumped in front of Thor's attack to save one of the Juggernaut constructs, which was secretly hiding a young kid. The child is able to activate the mourningspyre, sending out a signal to warn others that even though Doctor Strange is dead, a great evil is coming. The fallout from Death of Doctor Strange is all about Marvel's heroes having to step up to replace Stephen Strange in one way or another. This is shown in tie-in issues such as this Avengers comic, and others featuring Spider-Man, Strange Academy and Blade.

Three more issues remain in the core Death of Doctor Strange miniseries. Who do you think will step up to become Marvel's new Sorcerer Supreme?