Watch 'Avengers: Infinity War' Star Tom Hiddleston Surprise Loki Cosplayers

Pulling off a Loki cosplay is a reward in itself, but imagine doing so and then being surprised by [...]

Pulling off a Loki cosplay is a reward in itself, but imagine doing so and then being surprised by the man himself?

Several U.K. Loki cosplayers experienced that first hand when they rocked their full costumes in front of the cameras and were surprised by Loki actor Tom Hiddleston. Hiddleston watched behind the scenes as they revealed their favorite Loki moments, with one revealing hers was when she got Hiddleston to bow to her cosplay at a previous premiere.

Then the cosplayers each had a chance to do their best Loki impression for the camera, complete with props if they had them, but all of them were completely shocked to see Hiddleston walk out. A few managed to get words out, but the best reaction has to be the last one, as there's this hilarious silence as the cosplayer tries to process who just walked out. It makes the video, and you can see it for yourself above.

One of the best parts of Loki is how he changes from film to film, fulfilling that God of Mischief title.

"Yes, but that's in his nature," Hiddleston told's Brandon Davis on the set of Thor: Ragnarok. "I think he's, he's a mercurial spirit, and the minute you try to define him, he changes shape. He is the shape shifter in the pantheon, although events in Ragnarok try and inspire to change him forever, I think, but they change for everyone."

As to his allegiances here, it remains to be seen, but odds are nothing with him is as it seems.

While Hiddleston has been one of the constant highlights of the Thor films, he is truly surprised the gig has lasted this long.

"Every time I play Loki, the challenge is to find new ways of playing him," the English actor shared with TOI. "It is a source of constant surprise to me that I'm still here. I never expected that when I started playing him. I feel a huge responsibility to deliver the character people know, even though it's been four years since I last played him, and also to try to take him in new directions."

Marvel Studios' Black Panther is now playing in theaters. Avengers: Infinity War hits theaters on April 27, 2018. It is followed by Ant-Man and The Wasp on July 6, 2018, Captain Marvel on March 8, 2019, the fourth Avengers movie on May 3, 2019, the sequel to Spider-Man: Homecoming on July 5, 2019, and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 in 2020.