Randy Couture Gives The Expendables 4 Update

Action star Randy Couture gave fans an update on The Expendables 4, and it sounds like moves are [...]

Action star Randy Couture gave fans an update on The Expendables 4, and it sounds like moves are still being made behind the scenes. The Action Elite sat down with the former UFC athlete to talk about Final Kill. Over the course of the conversation, the topic turned to all sorts of issues in the world of movies. But, action movie fans have been without an Expendables installment for a while now. Some people even believe that the fourth film in the franchise might not be happening at all by this point. But, the people who have been in the films and the creative team are still very excited about the prospect of getting the band back together for round four. However, from the sounds of Couture here, it sounds like there is some work ahead to get it to where it needs to be.

"It is a thing! I got a script last year and really enjoyed reading it," Couture explained. It was very well done but where we are on the production scale and getting it moving I'm not sure. There are a lot of things going on behind the scenes with the producer to make a film that big so I'm hoping this Spring we get the greenlight but I'm not hearing anything definitive right now."

Other actors from the series have weighed in and are excited at the prospect of another entry in the series. Arnold Schwarzenegger
is adamant that he won't do another if Sylvester Stallone isn't involved. He told Entertainment Weekly about it back in 2017.

"There is no Expendables without Sly," Schwarzenegger began. "I would never do the movie without him, no…I have not seen the script; I don't even know if there is a script, even though they want to shoot in August again, like they usually do…I love the franchise, by the way. I think it's a spectacular franchise, The Expendables. I think that Sly has good ideas, what he wants to do with it, and I think if they write a really good script [in] which my part is very well-developed, I would do it. If not, then I won't do it."

Terry Crews is just waiting for the word so they can get started. "He's got a lot more choices now, and my thing is, really, whether he wants to do it or not," Crews said to Collider. "Because if he wants to do it, I'm in! Like, there's no stopping me! But it's a matter of... It's really up to Sly, because this is his baby, his creation, and if he wants to do another one, I'm in!"